Programming for K12 Educators
Limited number of registration stipends
available for K12 Educators!
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The extended lunch hour provides a break and an opportunity to network with colleagues. A Share-a-thon and two poster sessions will begin during the lunch hour, but presenter-contributed materials will be available for asynchronous browsing outside of these hours.
During the afternoon you can pick from a mix of mini-workshops, round-table discussions, contributed talks, or teaching demonstrations. Check out the sessions below that include K-12 teachers as part of their intended audience. Connect with your K-12 colleagues and interact with other K-20 Earth Science Educators at the Rendezvous this summer!
Note that all of the contributed program events (Share-a-Thon, poster sessions, oral sessions, and teaching demos) as well as the Plenary talks are included in your registration, regardless of which day(s) you have registered for.
See the program at-a-glance » Register for the Rendezvous »
Featured Events
We have provided a selection of events below that may be of interest to K12 educators, but you may also find additional programming of interest on the Rendezvous Program.
Multi-day Workshops: Monday-Wednesday
- Developing Inclusive Geoscience Practices
- Preparing for Student Creation of Virtual Contexts for Exploring Geoscience Environments
Multi-day Workshops: Thursday-Friday
- Student Mental Health and Well-Being
- Storytelling for Change in the Geosciences
- Teaching and Learning about Feedback Loops
- Designing and Facilitating High Quality Online Earth Science Courses
- Adapting Lessons for Your Classroom
Afternoon Single-Day Events
- Mini-Workshops
- Planetary Science Education: Thoughts, Approaches, and Examples for Teaching Planetary Science and Integrating Students into the Research Process
- Purposefully Examining Student Work for Instructional Decision-Making
- Engaging Students in Earth's Systems Thinking with Model-Based Inquiry
- IDEAS: a Novel Approach to Promoting Success for Underrepresented Minorities in the Geosciences
- Integrating Affective Domain Mini Lessons into Introductory Geology Classes
- Making Science News Work for You: Incorporating Eos into Your Classroom
- Share-a-thon
- Round-table Discussions
- Plenary Talk (TBA)
- Mini-workshops
- Plenary Talk (TBA)