Student Mental Health and Well-Being

Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online


Thandi Sule, Oakland University
Carmen McCallum, Eastern Michigan University

This interactive workshop is designed to equip participants to better understand and support students around mental health concerns. Participants will practice their active living skills as well as learn how to recognize, support and refer students with mental health needs. By supporting student mental health and well-being, faculty and researchers can facilitate higher student retention and persistence to graduation as well as impact students' overall ability to successfully pursue their academic, personal and career goals.

Workshop Program »


This interactive workshop is designed to equip participants to better understand and support students around mental health concerns. Participants will practice their active living skills as well as learn how to recognize, support and refer students with mental health needs. By supporting student mental health and well-being, faculty and researchers can facilitate higher student retention and persistence to graduation as well as impact students' overall ability to successfully pursue their academic, personal and career goals.

Target Audience

This interactive workshop is designed for researchers, practitioners, faculty and staff who are interested in student mental health. The facilitators will present the latest empirical and theoretical approaches to working with students whose mental health concerns influences their academic performance and emotional well-being. This interactive workshop will require attendees to reflect on their own practices working with students, participate in large and small group activities and dialogue about how the workshop content can be applied to their professional settings.


The goals of the workshop are to:

  • Increase participants' knowledge of students who struggle with mental health concerns
  • Discuss empirical and theoretical best practices for supporting student with mental health concerns
  • Provide techniques and skills that will allow participants to revise their teaching and mentoring practices to be inclusive of students with mental health challenges
  • Identify resources that can be utilize on their campus to work with students who have mental health concerns


Each day will include a brief review of the objectives of the day, introduction of key concepts, small group discussions and time to work on individual reflective practices. Each day will wrap up with a discussion of the morning and planning for the following day. The hope is that you will leave the workshop with at least one new skill designed to help you work with students with mental health challenges.

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