Planetary Science Education: Thoughts, Approaches, and Examples for Teaching Planetary Science and Introducing Students to the Research Process
This short course will work with participants on the development of a class in planetary geology. Topics to cover in a planetary geology course, teaching (and research) resources, example class activities, syllabi, and assessments will all be discussed in this session. A syllabus for a planetary geology course will be created as part of this workshop and participants will receive a list of resources to help with teaching and research in this content area.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Create a syllabus for an undergraduate course in planetary geology
- Access and use resources for teaching planetary geology
- Develop strategies for keeping course content updated and relevant
- Become part of a network of educators interested in developing and sharing resources for teaching planetary science
All times provided below are EDT:
3:00 Welcome and introductions (Name, home institution, and major "take away" you'd like from this session)
3:10 Syllabus construction (Where would course fit into your curriculum? Course objectives? Example syllabi)
4:10 Break
4:20 An overview of available resources and teaching activities (including how to access them and examples/ideas for using them)
5:20 Wrap-up and workshop evaluation
5:30 Adjourn
Sample Syllabi
Here are some example syllabi from planetary courses we have taught; a quick internet search will provide other examples. There are two end members of how courses are approached: 1) a target-based perspective (e.g., Mars, Moon, etc...) that weaves in geologic processes and 2) a process-based approach that weaves in information about rocky bodies throughout the semester. The syllabi here emphasize a target-based approach.
JL_Planetary_Geoscience_Syllabus_Spring_2021.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 52kB Jul7 21)
JL_Planetary_Geoscience_Schedule_Spring_2021 .pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 20kB Jul7 21)
Semester long course: terrestrial_planets_syllabus_spring_2014b.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 92kB Jul9 21)
Four week course: terrestrial_planets_syllabus_jterm_2014b.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 63kB Jul9 21)
Sample Exercises
Research project on terrestrial analog example:
JL_Extended_Abstract_Project_Part_I.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 165kB Jul7 21)
JL_Extended_Abstract_Project_Part_II.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 200kB Jul7 21)
JL_Extended_Abstract_Project_Part_III.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 286kB Jul7 21)
JL_Extended_Abstracts_Project_Samples.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Jul7 21)
JL_Extended_Abstract_Project_Rubric.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 35kB Jul7 21)
Model rocketry lab project example:
rocketry_part_3.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 132kB Jul9 21)
rocketry_part_2.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 135kB Jul9 21)
rocketry_part_1.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 130kB Jul9 21)
rocketry_rubric.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 155kB Jul9 21)
rocketry_part_4.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 129kB Jul9 21)
Just for fun, here are some videos of students launching their rockets for this activity:
ross_sam_launch.MOV (Quicktime Video 13.9MB Jul9 21)
good_estes_launch.MOV (Quicktime Video 15.7MB Jul9 21)
ponderosa_launch.MOV (Quicktime Video 14.3MB Jul9 21)
kyle_steph_malko_launch.MOV (Quicktime Video 10.1MB Jul9 21)
Here are several other activity examples. Several of these were created by other geoscience educators who have shared these via SERC.
Solar system geography: solar_system_geography.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 107kB Jul9 21)
Relative dating and geologic mapping:Venus venus_corona_observation.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 2.1MB Jul9 21); Mars relative_dating_mapping_arsia_mars.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 128kB Jul9 21)
Impact cratering: impact_cratering_exercise.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 263kB Jul9 21)
Volcanism: volcanism_exercise.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 72kB Jul9 21)
Water-related processes: Discharge on Mars mars_rain.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 3.7MB Jul9 21); Rain on Mars discharge_exercise.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 6.9MB Jul9 21); Ridges on Mars argyre_ridges_exercise.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 4.7MB Jul9 21)
Landing site selection on Mars:grosfils_landing_site_lab.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 75kB Jul9 21)
Sample Learning Objectives
Learning objectives for planetary courses typically have the following themes in common:
- Motivations and methodologies for exploring other solar system bodies
- Oral and written communication
- Scientific literacy (including evaluating information accuracy)
- Processes that operate (and have operated) in our solar system
- Solar System geography and evolution
Please see the provided syllabi for specific learning objectives.
JMARS (geospatial program for Mars and other planetary bodies):
NASA STEM Engagement:
USGS Astrogeology page:
Map a Planet (acquire planetary datasets; will need to register for an account):
PDS Node (datasets from NASA missions):
GSA's Planetary Geology Division website:
NASA's Solar System exploration page:
Citizen science (NASA page):
Erupt computer program (volcanism on other planets):
NASA lab manual (numerous activities included): NASA_lab_module.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 7.8MB Jul9 21)
NASA samples for educational use:
Solar System treks (explore the different bodies of the Solar System):
Exoplanet exploration: