Where is Our Research Going?
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- Opportunities in Global Change and Geobiology/Biogeochemistry Simon Brassell, Indiana University
Future Research Trends in Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology John Fountain, North Carolina State University
Frontiers in Solid Earth Geoscience Donna Whitney, University of Minnesota
Opportunities in Global Change and Geobiology/Biogeochemistry
Simon Brassell, Indiana University
Simon's presentation focuses on opportunities emerging from our improved understanding of systems and processes, from improved analytical capabilities, and from the growth of interdisciplinary collaborations.
View this video of Simon's presentation by clicking on it. Alternatively, you can download the video in quicktime (Quicktime Video 170.2MB Jul13 07) format or download his powerpoint file. (PowerPoint 2MB Apr26 07)
Length of video: 15 minutes, 11 seconds.
Future Research Trends in Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology
John Fountain, North Carolina State University
John's presentation focuses on two major trends in environmental geology and hydrogeology: multidisciplinarity and predicting the behavior of Earth systems.
View this video of John's presentation by clicking on it. Alternatively, you can download the video in quicktime (Quicktime Video 144.2MB Jul13 07) format or download an outline (Microsoft Word 29kB Apr30 07) of John's talk.
Length of video: 13 minutes, 20 seconds.
Frontiers in Solid Earth Geoscience
Donna Whitney, University of Minnesota
Donna's presentation focuses on integrating our understanding of processes from different spheres of the Earth; in particular, making connections between deep processes and surface processes.
View this video of Donna's presentation by clicking on it. Alternatively, you can download the video in quicktime (Quicktime Video 142.4MB Jul13 07) format or download her powerpoint file. (PowerPoint 9.3MB Apr26 07)
Length of video: 12 minutes, 46 seconds.