Workshop Program
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Monday, June 30
1:00-6:00 Workshop registration: Space Research Coordination Center (SRCC)
Optional pre-workshop events in the Space Research Coordination Center / Thaw Hall
2:15-3:00 Concurrent sessions on research, teaching, careers, and career path
- Fostering a creative work environment for your graduate students - Scott Bair, 203 Thaw
The transition from the more regimented learning in classes to the creative problem solving necessary for original research is easier for some graduate students than others. This session will discuss ways to help create a flexible, collaborative work environment while maintaining high standards.
- Inclusive science: Strategies to broaden participation (Acrobat (PDF) 496kB Jul2 14) - Rosemary Capo, 214 SRCC
- Field trip safety: responsibility, liability, and best practice (Zip Archive 796kB Jun27 14) - Barb Tewksbury, 207 SRCC
3:10-4:10 Concurrent sessions
- Finding and being a mentor (PowerPoint 792kB Jul1 14) - Becca Walker and Rachel O'Brien, 203 Thaw
- Engaging students for extra-curricular participation and community-building (Acrobat (PDF) 175kB Jul2 14) - Kyle Fredrick, 214 SRCC
- Tour of geochemistry labs at University of Pittsburgh with emphasis on setting up a lab - Rosemary Capo and other faculty from the University of Pittsburgh, meet in 207 SRCC

4:20-5:15 Families and careers: A panel discussion - Rachel O'Brien (moderator) and other workshop leaders, 203 Thaw
This session offers a discussion of issues, opportunities, and choices associated with families and careers, including children, dual-career couples, and more, with many opportunities to ask questions of the session leaders.
Workshop begins, William Pitt Union (WPU) Assembly room
5:30-6:00 Reception and icebreaker activities - Barb Tewksbury and Rachel O'Brien
6:00-7:00 Dinner
7:00-8:45 Introductions and opening session
- Welcome, introductions, workshop goals, and overview - Barb Tewksbury and Rachel O'Brien
- Where do you want to go? A spectrum of academic careers: panel and discussion - Workshop leaders from different types of colleges and universities