Team Wiki Pages

Initial Publication Date: February 1, 2013


AccessData Workshops use wiki pages to capture team interactions and activity content. The result is a complete and accessible record of each team's activity development efforts. These records will be the primary source of information for the team's curriculum developer to generate a complete Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter. As such, it is essential that all information and notes generated by teams is recorded in the wiki pages or in other documents that are attached to the wiki.

How to use these pages

Team pages are set up so that text entered in each of the boxes is appended to the page and saved whenever the "Add" button is clicked. Editing of saved text is also possible, though the interface looks a bit messy with all the code that is embedded in the page. Click any of the "Go to the editing interface" links to begin editing.

To access your team's editable workspace, click your team name in the menu on the left. You can start using the wiki pages by entering text to introduce yourself in the first text box.