Team Members: Bill Beaver, LuAnn Dahlman, David Herring, Steve Kluge, Kevin Ward
Meeting Room: C210
Pre-meeting Sharing Space
Please introduce yourself here. You can also post files and links to relevant data, tools, or projects that you want to share.
Pre-meeting notes:
Hello you Kiltlifters! I'm LuAnn Dahlman and I've assigned myself to your team. In addtion to helping out with getting last year's activity idea on its way, I have at least one really good idea to contribute toward the next NEO activity. I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted and working with you all.
Session 1—Meet your team members, Learn about the data, tools, and expertise represented on your team
Team members meet each other and share their experiences and viewpoints on using data in education. Data representatives and software tool specialists introduce one or more datasets and tools and the group explores various aspects of them. If the team's DataSheet is not yet posted, the data representative should attach it.
Session 1 Notes:
DH: Background on energy budget. Study Ross Ice Shelf breakup, determine change in albedo and effect on energy budget.
LD: Icebergs flip, and are dark on the bottom.
General questions: Where does ice come from, where does it go? Is it still there, just in smaller pieces....
DH: Background reading:
LD: What is the difference between Sea Ice and Ice Shelf?
DH: Ignore the fact that the ice remains as icebergs, or include a caveat?
KW: Any data on tracking floes, or melt rates?
DH: Other complicating factors
KW and DH:
DH: Have students use the ICE tool
SK: If we use percent reflectivity, angle of insolation matters less.
BB and DH: Clouds / transmissivity of atmosphere
SK: Getting a number is interesting in itself, perhaps "confounding factors" could be fodder for more discussion among students/in the classroom
DH: Albedo is broadband, refelctivity varies with wavelength.
SK is fixated on Solar angle, DH finally gets SK to "see the light" in proper perspective
LD: Likes idea of "Big Picture"
BB: Use Minnesota example to illustrate concept before looking at ice shelf
Session 2—Review DataSheet and Brainstorm data-use storylines
Review and discuss the DataSheet that was begun by the data representative(s) for your team. Decide which team members will contribute to completing various fields.
Brainstorm a set of possible storylines for valid investigations of the dataset. The goal is to come up with at least one compelling scenario that will give users a reason to work through the technological steps necessary to perform some analysis of the data.
Session 2 Notes:
DH: Background on energy budget. Study Ross Ice Shelf breakup, determine change in
LD: Icebergs flip, and are dark on the bottom.
Session 3—Select the data-use scenario for your educational activity and perform a proof-of-concept check
Use the complementary expertise on the team to check that the task you are envisioning can actually be completed in an educational setting. Identify a target grade level for the activity and choose a working title.
Please limit the scope of the activity to something that can be accomplished by accessing existing data and tools. Discuss and agree upon the content limits of the activity as well: consider that the main goal of these activities is to develop user familiarity with the data and tools.
Session 3 Notes:
Session 4—Develop your case study storyline and outline the procedures for data access and analysis
Case Study Development
Record ideas, bullet points, or actual text that will become part of the case study to introduce users to the issues and concepts of the activity. Gather links for appropriate images, diagrams, and background text.
Data Access and Analysis Procedures
Record the name(s) and URL(s) of dataset(s) and access/analysis software tool(s) to be used. List the major tasks users will complete then perform a deliberate walk-through of each task to capture the full sequence of procedures. Give special attention to the most difficult or least intuitive steps, and note points in the sequence where additional information will be helpful.
NOTE: Teams can capture notes directly in the wiki pages or choose to work in a Word document. This activity outline guide (Microsoft Word 35kB Feb1 13) will clarify the scope of the activity outline and the minimum information required.
Session 4 Notes:
URLs for Case Study:
2001 close up view of Larsen Ice Shelf and story
The booklet available on the page talks about CO2 and melting ice shelves and rising sea levels 1958, National Academy of Sciences
NSIDC animation with 5 images of collapse
Earth Observatory Image of the Day: Landsat 7 views Larsen Ice Shelf on February 21, 2000 (very close up)
Cracks in the Ice - New Insights into Antarctic Ice Sheet Failures, Contains some AVHRR images from 1993 through 2001
A site to calculate solar zenith angle: Requires date and time (in GMT) plus longitude of location
Session 5—Flesh out procedures with "About" sections to build users' knowledge about the data and tools, List several "Going Further" ideas
Fill in any gaps in your activity outline and add sections that will help users utilize the data in different ways or for other investigations. Suggest several ideas for going further to challenge users to use the data and/or tools in other investigations.
Session 5 Notes:
Session 6—Finalize your Activity outline and DataSheet, Generate PowerPoint slides for the report out session, Attach all resources to this wiki page
Create a 2- or 3-slide ppt file for the report out session.
- Slide 1: Team name, names of team members, and a brief phrase to describe each individual's contribution
- Slide 2: Working title for your activity, names of dataset(s) and tool(s) utilized
- Slide 3: Your choice of something to illustrate your team's vision of the completed activity
Attach the file to this page.
Once your file is posted, we'll use this link to access it during the report out session: NASANEO.ppt (PowerPoint 1MB Feb1 13)
Attach any other documents produced by the team as well as finalized versions of the team's DataSheet and add a reference to them in the text box.
Session 6 Notes:
Next steps
- Google Earth image/data files
- ZIP archive (Zip Archive 8.8MB Feb1 13)
- ICE Session
- ZIP archive (Zip Archive 1.5MB Feb1 13) (unzip folder to desktop and open index.html in browser)
- Write intro and primer text - SK
- Instructions for ICE tool analysis - BB
- Create Excel template w/ formula - SK
- Assemble text and images in EET - SK w/ LD's help
- Facilitate loading onto Earth Observatory - DH