Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Resources for Earth Educators
These resources have been developed by many different projects and address various aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in the geosciences.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
- Focus on Diverse Students 214 matches Increasing the diversity of students in STEM requires attracting them to the discipline, supporting them to graduation, and preparing them for career success.
- Build Just and Equitable Curricula 662 matches All students should be asked to wrestle with the large questions facing society in order to help STEM disciplines address important challenges.
Information Type
- A Civil Action - The Woburn Toxic Trial 2 matches
- ACM Pedagogic Resources 5 matches
- ADVANCEGeo 14 matches
- BASICS 6 matches
- BOtCE 1 match
- CAMEL 1 match
- CLEAN 78 matches
- Coalition for Climate Literacy 1 match
- Curriculum for the Bioregion 100 matches
- Cutting Edge 92 matches
- EarthLabs for Educators 3 matches
- Geo-Needs 2 matches
- GeoEthics 68 matches
- Geoscience in Two-year Colleges 1 match
- GET Spatial Learning 1 match
- GETSI 34 matches
- Humanities Education for Anti-Racism Literacy 2 matches
- Integrate 197 matches
- Integrating Research and Education 103 matches
- Keyah Math 1 match
- NAGT 31 matches
- Pedagogy in Action 2 matches
- PENGUIN 2 matches
- Project EDDIE 1 match
- Quantitative Skills 3 matches
- QuIRK 1 match
- SAGE 2YC 6 matches
- SISL 9 matches
- Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience 37 matches
- Sustainability Workshop 2 matches
- Teach the Earth 25 matches
- TIDeS 1 match
- Visualizing the Liberal Arts 1 match
Results 1 - 10 of 834 matches
Unit 5: Integrated Geophysical Interpretation and Comparison with Ground Truthing
Compiled by Lee Slater, Rutgers University Newark (lslater@newark.rutgers.edu)
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In this unit, students explore spatial associations between the three-dimensional electromagnetic (EM) conductivity inversions and the visible patterns of Salicornia (pickleweed) introduced in Unit 1, Exploring ...
Information Type: Activity:Lab Activity
Geoethics Case Study: The Keystone Pipeline--Energy, Jobs or Environment?
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
David Mogk and Andrew Thorson, Montana State University-Bozeman Summary The Keystone Pipeline is a complex project that raises important environmental, economic, and international policy issues. Tar sands from ...
Information Type: Activity, Writing Assignment, Project, Classroom Activity, Project:Investigative Case Studies, Activity:Discussion
Unit 2: Geophysical Properties of the Subsurface
Compiled by Lee Slater, Rutgers University Newark (lslater@newark.rutgers.edu)
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Archie (1950) defined the term petrophysics to describe the study of the physics of rocks, particularly with respect to the fluids they contain. Although originally focused on geophysical exploration, petrophysics ...
Information Type: Activity:Lab Activity
Unit 3: Codorus Creek Case Study: Measuring and Interpreting Seismic Refraction Data
Using seismic refraction data in a case study for urban renewal. Andy Parsekian, University of Wyoming, aparseki@uwyo.edu
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This unit presents an applied case study example and the associated concepts related to designing a seismic survey and analyzing the data. It discusses parts of the instrument and presents practical experience ...
Information Type: Activity:Classroom Activity, Lab Activity, Project
Unit 1: Exploring Harrier Meadow, an Urban Wetland System
Compiled by Lee Slater, Rutgers University Newark (lslater@newark.rutgers.edu)
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Students will conduct a virtual exploration of Harrier Meadow, a salt marsh in the New Jersey Meadowlands. They will identify its vulnerability to pollution, its tidal connection to the Hackensack Estuary and the ...
Information Type: Activity:Lab Activity, Activity
Unit 4: The Magic of Geophysical Inversion
Compiled by Lee Slater, Rutgers University Newark (lslater@newark.rutgers.edu)
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This unit introduces the student to the concept of geophysical inversion, which is the process of estimating the geophysical properties of the subsurface from the geophysical observations. The basic mechanics of ...
Information Type: Activity:Lab Activity
Unit 3: Field Geophysical Measurements
Compiled by Lee Slater, Rutgers University Newark (lslater@newark.rutgers.edu)
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Near-surface geophysical measurements are performed by moving sensors across the earth's surface. Active geophysical sensors transmit a signal into the earth and record a returned signal that contains ...
Information Type: Activity:Lab Activity
What's in the Water? Lesson 4: Drinking Water & Environmental Justice
Kelsey Bitting, Elon University
In this lesson from the "What's in the Water?" PFAS Contamination Unit", students explore equity in drinking water across the U.S. For homework, students read segments of two recent reports ...
Information Type: Activity, Classroom Activity
Unit 1: Climate Change and Sea Level: Who Are the Stakeholders?
Bruce Douglas, Indiana University-Bloomington; Susan Kaspari, Central Washington University
How are rising sea levels already influencing different regions? This unit offers case study examples for a coastal developing country (Bangladesh), a major coastal urban area (southern California), and an island ...
Information Type: Activity, Course Module
High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS
High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS/GNSS
Benjamin Crosby (Idaho State University)
Ian Lauer (Idaho State University)
Editor: Beth Pratt-Sitaula (EarthScope Consortium)
Part of GETSI Field Collection: In this module, students will learn the fundamentals of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS, a more universal term than GPS) and how to apply these techniques beyond answering, ...
Information Type: Course Module