Cailin Huyck Orr
Associate Director
Science Education Resource Center - Carleton College
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As the Associate Director, I work closely with the SERC team and our partners at institutions across North America to improve the undergraduate experience for students of all backgrounds in STEM and related fields. My work is primarily in project management, professional development and dissemination, community visioning and bringing science into broader use. Through new projects starting in 2024, I am considering what it can mean to be an accomplice in higher education equity work.
Projects as investigator
- Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe Transforming Departmental Culture through Faculty Agents of Change
- Compass: Advancing Earth education resource discovery.
- Belonging in Geoscience Education Workshop: Planning to Enact Cultural Change
Partner-led projects
- AK UNiTE Building a community of practice around learning cultural humility in mentoring Indigenous Alaskan biology students.
- HHMI IE3: Learning Community 4 changing policy, supporting faculty development, and identifying optimal sources of evidence in service to Inclusive Excellence in higher education.
- Accelerating Systemic Change Network a network of individuals and institutions to more quickly advance STEM education programs and inclusive practice. This includes the associated Transforming Institutions bi-annual conference.
- CLASP: broadening participation and deepening its community of practice. This is a pilot project to develop strategies for building the capacity and effectiveness of research administration across a diverse range of institutions, culminating in an in-person meeting.
- Macrosystems EDDIE teaching materials to help students learn the foundations of macrosystems ecology through modeling and forecasting.
- Positive Mental Heath in the Geosciences: understanding how mental health is being addressed in geoscience communities and identify outstanding needs in the broader academic geoscience community.
- National Collaborative for Research on Food Water and Energy Education
- Teaching Computation using MATLAB: in partnership with MathWorks.
Past projects
- Project EDDIE: Earth and Ecosystems teaching materials to engage students in using data and improving their quantitative reasoning.
- Bridging to STEM Excellence a consortium for faculty development
- CUREnet 2 course-based undergraduate research experiences in biology.
- InTeGrate: STEM Talent Expansion Program Center Interdisciplinary teaching about Earth for a sustainable future.
- IINSPIRE LSAMP Alliance is committed to broadening the participation of underrepresented minorities in STEM education in the Midwest.
- Network of STEM Education Centers an organization of campus-based centers that serve as catalysts for transformation in STEM.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Limnology and Marine Science, M.S. and Ph.D.
Carleton College, Biology, B.A.
Metzger, E, D. Gosselin, and C.H.Orr. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. In J.C. Gill and M. Smith, Editors, Geology and the Sustainable Development Goals: Facilitating Responsible Earth Stewardship. Springer-Nature.In Press.
Orr, C.H. and J.R. McDaris. 2019. Supporting implementation of program-level changes to increase learning about Earth. In A. Egger, J. Taber and D. Gosselin editors, Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future, Springer.
McDaris, J.R., C.A. Manduca, E.R. Iverson, C.H. Orr. 2017. Looking in the Right Places: Minority Serving Institutions as Sources of Diverse Earth ScienceLearners. Journal of Geoscience Education 65:407-415.
Kelley, C.J., C.K. Keller, J.L. Smith, E. Brooks, C.H. Orr. 2017. Water and Nitrogen movement through a semi-arid dryland agroecosystem: Seasonal and decadal trends. Hydrological Processes. doi:10.1002/hyp.11152.
Ortega-Pieck, A. A.K. Fremier, C. H. Orr. 2017. Agricultural influences on the magnitude of whole-stream metabolism in humid tropical headwater streams. Freshwater Science. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3204-5.
Orr, C.H., Manduca, C.A. 2016. Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future: InTeGrate. In the Trenches 6:3:3-4.
Orr C.H, K.I. Predick, E.H. Stanley and K.L. Rogers. 2014. Spatial variability of denitrification and associated soil properties on a restored and a natural floodplain. Wetlands 34:89-100.
Kelley, C.J., C. Keller, R.D. Evans, C.H. Orr, J.L. Smith, and B.A. Harlow. 2013 Nitrate-nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios for identification of nitrate sources and dominant nitrogen cycle processes in a tile-drained dryland agricultural field. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57:731-738.
Singh, A, J. Marr, C. Hill, S. Johnson, C. Ellis, J. Mullin, C.H. Orr, P. Wilcock, M. Hondzo, C. Paola, E. Foufoula-Georgiou. 2012. StreamLab: Overview of experiments, instrumentation, and data collected. Water Resources Research 49:1746-1752.
Orr, C.H. J.J. Clark, P.R. Wilcock, M.W. Doyle. 2009. Impact of channel geometry and algae growth on hyporheic exchange and nutrient uptake : Insights from a field-scale flume. JGR Biogeosciences 114, G02019, doi:10.1029/2008JG000825.
Wilcock, P.R, C.H. Orr, J. Marr. 2008. Particles, solutes, and life in flowing water: a large-scale multidisciplinary experiment at St Anthony Falls Laboratory. EOS 89(1): 6.
Orr, C.H., S.J. Kroiss, K.L. Rogers and E.H. Stanley. 2008. Response of benthic sediments and metabolism to dam removal in a small Wisconsin stream. River Research and Applications 24(6): 804.
Riggsbee, J.A, C.H. Orr, J.C. Julian, D.A. Leech, M.W. Doyle, and R.G. Wetzel. 2008. Suspended sediment, carbon and nitrogen fluxes and transformations during the dewatering of a low-head impoundment. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences doi:10.1029/2007JG000654
Orr, C.H., E.H. Stanley, K.A. Wilson, and J.C. Finlay. 2007. Changes in denitrification following reintroduction of flooding to a leveed Midwestern floodplain. Ecological Applications 17: 2365–2376.
Stanley, E.H., M.J. Catalono, N. Mercado-Silva and C.H. Orr. 2007. Implications of small dam removal for distribution of non-native trout in Central Wisconsin. River Research and Applications 23:792-798.
Orr, C.H., K.L. Rogers, and E.H. Stanley. 2006. Phosphorus uptake and channel geometry following small dam removal. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25:556-568.
Orr, C.H. and E.H. Stanley. 2006. Vegetation development and restoration potential of drained reservoirs following dam removal in Wisconsin. River Research and Application 22:281-295.
Doyle, M.W., E.H. Stanley, C.H. Orr, A.R Selle, and J.M. Harbor. 2005. Fluvial geomorphic controls on stream ecosystem processes: Lessons from the heartland of small dam removals. Geomorphology 71: 227-244.
Orr, C.H. and B.M Roth, J.D. Gonzales, K.J. Forshay, M.M. Papenfus, and R.D.G. Wassell. 2004. An Examination of Physical and Regulatory Variables Leading to Small Dam Removal in Wisconsin. Environmental Management 33(1):99-109.
Overdevest, C., C.H. Orr and C. Stepenuk. 2004. Volunteer stream monitoring and local participation in natural resource issues. Human Ecology Review 11(2):177-185.