Using SERC Sites

The wide range of education project websites SERC hosts run on a common platform. So as you visit these sites you'll find a common set of organizational strategies and tools.

  • Favorites are a tool you can use to track SERC pages that are important to you. Get notified of updates and organize them into sharable collections.
  • The Where I've Been bar at bottom of most pages provides a quick way to get back to that page you were on just a few minutes ago.
  • Quick URLs are handy if you're sharing the link to a SERC page and need a shortened version of the full address.  They are listed at the bottom of most pages.
  • Terms of Use including details about copyright and citation.
  • Privacy Statement includes details about how we use information you might provide through the site.
  • Accessibility has information about how we approach this important issue in building the site, along with guidance you can apply to materials you develop for your students.
  • Feedback/Report a Problem we always like to get feedback that can help us make the site better for the community.


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