Using InTeGrate in Courses for Future Teachers
Teachers in pre-service courses are a key focus for InTeGrate. There are a number of modules developed specifically for use in this context:
- Soils, Systems, and Society
- Exploring Geoscience Methods
- Interactions between Water, Earth's Surface, and Human Activity
- Using InTeGrate Materials in K-8 Teacher Preparation
- Transforming Teacher Preparation to Teach for Sustainability
- Adapting InTeGrate Modules to the High School and College Classroom
How instructors across the country have adopted InTeGrate materials for their courses for pre-service teachers
Scott Linneman: Using Exploring Geoscience Methods with Secondary Education Students in Methods in Secondary Education for Science Teachers at Western Washington University
This one quarter, 5-credit course is for pre-service secondary science teachers. It includes the study of literature, curriculum, and teaching strategies in life, Earth, and physical sciences for grades 4-12. Students also participate in peer teaching and school observations. Prerequisites include admission to the secondary teaching program and a major or concentration in natural sciences; one course as an introduction to secondary education; and one course as an introduction to science education.
Jeff Thomas: Using Exploring Geoscience Methods with Secondary Education Students in the History and Nature of Science at Central Connecticut State University
During the first five weeks of the course, students are introduced to the history and nature of science, the methods of science, and crosscutting science concepts (e.g. patterns, systems). This includes theoretical constructs (e.g. readings about inductive and deductive scientific reasoning) as well as applications for the secondary science classroom (e.g. doing inquiry-based activities). During the second five weeks, students implement an inquiry-based activity based on a major scientific discovery that incorporates the nature and methods of science. Students also create a formal presentation about this discovery (e.g. history of the discovery, methods utilized by scientists), as well as the impact of this discovery on society.
James Ebert: Using Exploring Geoscience Methods with Secondary Education Students in ESCI 315: Laboratory Techniques in Earth Science at SUNY Oneonta
In addition to addressing pedagogical content knowledge, ESCI 315 helps students develop skills in inquiry-based teaching. The co-requisite for ESCI 315 is a companion course that is similar but focuses on middle school science. Both courses function as miniature "methods" courses that focus on hands-on learning before the students take the actual "methods" course, which is generally taken in the following fall semester.
Julie Monet: Using Interactions between Water, Earth's Surface & Human Activity in Concepts in Earth & Space Science
About this Course A 300-level geology course for pre-service teachers. 24 students One 50-minute lecture session Two 2-hour labs weekly four-year state university Syllabus (Acrobat (PDF) 113kB Jul6 14) Show the ...
Susan DeBari: Using Interactions between Water, Earth's Surface, and Human Activity in Geology and Everyday Thinking (GET) at Western Washington University
This course (GET) is an introduction to geology designed specifically for pre-service elementary teachers. It is constructivist by design, so that learning occurs through a series of guided activities, and focused small- and large-group discussion. Students work in groups of three at all times. It is through the student-led (but facilitated) sense-making discussions that concepts are developed. Concepts build through seven modules over the course of the quarter, so that by the end, students have a very holistic view of how energy and matter are transferred through Earth processes.
Kyle Gray: Using Interactions between Water, Earth's Surface, and Human Activity in Investigations into Earth and Space Science
About this Course A 200-level geology course for pre-service teachers. 15 students Two 110-minute class sessions One 50-minute classsession four-year public liberal arts university Syllabus (Acrobat (PDF) 454kB ...
Jennifer Dechaine: Using Soils, Systems, and Society at Central Washington University
This is the only science teaching methods course in the Elementary Education Major. The course focuses on teaching pedagogy, and limited science content is taught in the context of methods. Students are encouraged to complete relevant science courses (e.g., Geology 101) as part of their general education requirements prior to taking this course, but science content and pedagogy knowledge are highly variable among students. Students may be in their first to final year of the Teacher Certification Program (typically sophomore-senior undergraduates).
Rodger Hauge: Using Soils and Society at Eastern Washington University
EDUC 339 Methods of teaching science and social studies is a 5-credit course designed to prepare elementary pre-service teachers to teach science and social studies in grades K–8. It reviews lesson planning and assessment. It delves into ways that both science and social studies can be taught with inquiry, using systems as a learning approach, and by developing a sense of grade appropriateness in the pre-service teacher. During this time the pre-service teachers are doing their first quarter long period with a class of elementary students.
Kathryn Baldwin: Using Soils and Society at Eastern Washington University
This is an introductory science and social studies methods course intended for pre-service K–8 teachers. Pre-service teachers typically take this course mid-way through the teacher preparation program at EWU. This course is designed to introduce pre-service K–8 teachers to methods and materials for teaching science and social studies in elementary and middle school.
Rebecca Teed: Using Changing Biosphere in Concepts in Earth Science for Middle-Childhood Educators II at Wright State University-Main Campus
Rebecca Teed, Wright State University-Main Campus
Earth Systems for Pre-service Science Teachers My students are preparing to teach science themselves, and are expected to learn through inquiry. This course is intended to address a number of major themes in middle-grades science standards, and to emphasize approaches and topics that are especially challenging, like systems thinking and Earth history. This module offers an important hook for Earth history: the current mass extinction resulting from multiple modern ecological crises including climate change, invasive species, and habitat destruction. Systems thinking is vital to understanding the chains of cause and effect that drive both ancient and modern mass extinctions. My students were very interested in the similarities between ancient and modern disasters.