Initial Publication Date: August 14, 2013

Participant List

InTeGrate October Module Team Meetings
October 8-9, 2013
Carleton College

Team Leaders

Tm Bralower, Pennsylvania State University
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
John Taber, IRIS Consortium

New Module Authors

Steve Burian, University of Utah
Sean Cornell, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Kate Darby, Allegheny College
Jennifer Hanselman, Westfield State University
Ruth Hoff, Wittenberg University
Manoj Jha, North Carolina A&T University
Mark Kulp, University of New Orleans
Diane Maygarden, University of New Orleans
Bob Mackay, Clark College
Julie Maxson, Metropolitan State University
Rick Oches, Bentley University
Lisa Phillips, Illinois State University
Michael Phillips, Illinois Valley Community College
David Retchless, Pennsylvania State University
Gigi Richard, Colorado Mesa University
Jennifer Sliko. Lord Fairfax Community College
Laura Wright, Western Carolina University

Assessment Team

David Steer, University of Akron


Cathy Manduca, Lead PI
Ellen Iverson, Evaluation Director
Sean Fox, Technical Director
Monica Bruckner, Webteam Consultant
Molly Kent, Webteam Consultant
Kristin O'Connell, Webteam Consultant


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