Initial Publication Date: June 12, 2015

New Authors' Agenda- June 2015

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Meeting Goals

  • Meet and get to know your team
  • As a team, collectively sketch out your module/course: Develop a common and specific vision of your module/course and document it in the overview page of your workspace
  • Explore the materials development process: Become comfortable in the CMS and establish a working relationship with your team lead, webteam liaison and assessment consultant
  • Become familiar with the assessment data collection process
  • Create a workplan, timeline, and communications plan for completing the module/course

June 14, Sunday

Arrive in Northfield in the afternoon

*All workshop activities will take place at the Carleton College Weitz Center , Larson Room 236 and adjacent areas

5:00 PM Welcome/social time with appetizers and cash-only bar

5:30 PM 30 minute presentation - Inspiring relationship to InTeGrate quality and publication goals with tour of Climate of Change module - Stuart and Anne

6:00 PM Dinner

7:30 PM Introductions and Overview (Room 131)

June 15, Monday

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield

8:30 AM Overview of the day and checklist for the workshop

8:45 AM Quick picture of a module: Overview Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.1MB Jun14 15) - Anne

    • Discuss how a module or course relates to the rubric
    • Plan and outcomes for the meeting - Meet Checkpoint 1, action plans, communication plans, and timeline
    • Discussion

9:30 AM Introduction to the guiding principles as part of rubric (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.6MB Nov6 14) - Anne, with Dave Gosselin and John Taber joining virtually. Followed by work time for describing how module/course aligns explicitly with Guiding Principles (record on web pages for Checkpoint 1)

10:00 AM Plenary: Introduction to course-/module-level learning outcomes (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 737kB Jun15 15)- Stuart, with Dave Gosselin and John Taber joining virtually.

11:00 AM Work time to develop how module/course addresses guiding principles, overview, outline, and learning goals

  • Discuss as individual module/course teams, develop plan on reporting page and checkpoint 1 workpages
  • Materials in Progress - lists links to all course and module pages
  • Work with team lead; assessment consultant will check in with teams, as available

12:00 PM Lunch Weitz Center Common Area (1st Floor)

1:00 PM Plenary: Learning Objectives and Assessments (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 730kB Jun15 15): Guided and structured work time - Stuart

In module/course groups to develop learning outcomes and assessments - assessment consultants work with groups. Bloom's Taxonomy handout Bloom's Taxonomy Exercise (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 3MB Nov10 14)

2:00 PM Break

2:15 PM Introduction to instructional strategies (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.9MB Dec11 14) (including metacognition and systems thinking) - Anne

3:15 PM Work time to discuss instructional strategies

  • 3:45 pm Latitudes of Climate course team meets with Dave G.
  • 4:15 pm Epidemiology module team meets with John T.

5:00 PM Roadcheck

6:00 PM Dinner on the town (see restaurant selection handout in folder)

June 16, Tuesday

*Check out of hotel if leaving and bring your luggage to the Weitz Center —shuttles to the airport will leave from Weitz Center (see shuttle schedule in folder)

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield

8:30 AM Plenary: Evaluation results overview (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) PRIVATE FILE 4.2MB Jun16 15) - Vali Mara

9:00 AM Presentation of the development process and general timeline - Anne and Monica

9:30 AM Work in teams to record the following information into the CMS:

  • Timeline for reaching checkpoints
  • Communication plan for working remotely with your team
  • Complete description/outline and goals
  • Contact and piloting information
  • Complete how course/module addresses guiding principles
  • Materials in Progress

Course team meeting with Dave G. at 10am

12:00 PM Box lunches with teams

1:00 PM Work time in module/course groups to develop checkpoint 1 materials

2:00 PM Testing Process and Data Collection (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.5MB Jun16 15) (GLE, Attitude, IRB, etc.) - Ellen and Monica

4:00 PM Plenary and Closing Remarks: Why are we doing this again?

5:00 PM Workshop evaluation