Participant Checklist
Initial Publication Date: September 13, 2013
By Friday, September 13
- Review the travel and logistics page.
- Submit your travel plans
By Monday, September 30
- Create a SERC account if you don't already have one. Please use the e-mail address that's been provided to InTeGrate and you should gain access to the appropriate webspaces automatically. Contact Monica with any questions (mbruckne AT
- Take the BARSTL survey. You will have to log into your SERC account to access this page.
- Submit the Individual Contract and Course Information form. This will give us the ability to have your individual contract ready to sign at the October meeting.
Prior to the meeting
- Attend the webinar or watch the introductory webinar screencast if you were unable to join us for the webinar (screencast will be available by the week of Sept 23).
- Review the information for new authors page, and bring questions to the October meeting
- Review the October meeting agenda
Contact Monica Bruckner (mbruckne AT or your team leader (Tim Bralower, Anne Egger, or John Taber) if you have questions.