Participant Checklist

Initial Publication Date: September 13, 2013

By Friday, September 13

  • Review the travel and logistics page.
  • Submit your travel plans

By Monday, September 30

  • Create a SERC account if you don't already have one. Please use the e-mail address that's been provided to InTeGrate and you should gain access to the appropriate webspaces automatically. Contact Monica with any questions (mbruckne AT
  • Take the BARSTL survey. You will have to log into your SERC account to access this page.
  • Submit the Individual Contract and Course Information form. This will give us the ability to have your individual contract ready to sign at the October meeting.

Prior to the meeting

Contact Monica Bruckner (mbruckne AT or your team leader (Tim Bralower, Anne Egger, or John Taber) if you have questions.