Initial Publication Date: June 3, 2014

Continuing Teams/Authors Agenda- June 2014

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Teams: Sustainable Agriculture; Map your Hazards; Living on the Edge; Secondary Methods
Assessment team agenda »

Meeting Goals

  • Understand extent to which intended learning occurred based on assessment results and team experience
  • Develop a plan for revising the module
  • Understand what it means to complete and publish a module and the process for acceptance
  • Develop a completion plan, timeline, communication plan, and checklist of what needs to be done

June 29, Sunday

Arrive in Northfield in the afternoon

*All workshop activities will take place at the Carleton College Weitz Center for Creativity , Larson Room 236 and adjacent areas

5:00 PM Welcome/social time with appetizers and cash-only bar

5:30 PM 30 minute presentation - Inspiring relationship to InTeGrate quality and publication goals with tour of Climate of Change module - David S and Cathy. Suggestions for things to pay attention to as you move through Checkpoint 6
Checkpoint 6 suggestions (Acrobat (PDF) 175kB Jun12 15)

  • Developing student materials
  • Developing sufficient faculty materials
  • Writing instructor stories
  • Website publishing
  • Relationship to timeline

6:00 PM Dinner

7:30 PM What it means to finish; Climate of Change as an example - Sean and Ellen

  • Your modules have been modified to include all the final fields. Changes include front page, overview page, assessment page, instructor stories. Work toward Climate of Change structure as you revise. Final layout of front page and instructor stories will occur after checkpoint 6 to simplify editing mechanics. Your team lead will finalize the text on the front page. example
  • You will need to identify any instructor-only materials, make sure they are in files and let your support person (Monica, Molly) know the file id numbers. example
  • Provide some suggestions for front-page images to your support person.
  • At checkpoint 6 everything should be complete. Your hand-off will kick off 3 parallel review process:
    • Technical review: links, formatting, provenance and reuse reality check. You'll receive a document with items that need attention.
    • Science review: You'll receive a summary of the reviews with any suggestions for revision.
    • Copyediting: Copyeditor will make correction directly. See the style guide.
  • Once you've acted on these reviews and everyone is happy with the results you'll be at checkpoint 7 and materials will go live.
  • Questions

June 30, Monday

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield

8.30 AM Overview of Day and checklist for the workshop

8:45 AM Plenary: Assessment team Feedback Procedures - David S Assessment Feedback (PowerPoint 1.1MB Jun30 14)

  • Description of rubric used
  • What developers can expect

9:15 AM Break

9:30 AM Assessment Consultants meet with teams

  • Provide assessment results for individual modules - summary of conclusions drawn from assessment data, summary of GLE responses
  • Discuss mapping of assessment data onto learning goals
  • Figure out how we can best demonstrate that learning described in the module goal is taking place

10:30 AM Work time in teams - Team Leaders - Groups work on mapping out revision plan and module revisions

  • Team overviews of what worked, what did not ; Discuss results of pilot testing in different environments
  • Assess needs to finish the module according to guidelines
  • Begin draft plan for finishing module including student materials (in team pages in the CMS)

12:00 PM Lunch Weitz Center Common Area (1st Floor)

1:00 PM (Proposed materials management meeting: David Steer, David McConnell, Anne Egger, John Taber, David Gosselin)

1:00 PM Work time in teams - Team Leaders

  • Continue work on revision plan, begin revisions as appropriate
    • Team interviews with Carol (Evaluation Team: 45 minutes per team)
    • Record Videos (in teams, times TBD)

4:30 PM Plenary report out: What questions do you have about completing your plan? What potential roadblocks do you see?

5:00 PM Roadcheck

6:00 PM Dinner on the town (see restaurant selection handout in folder)

7:30 PM Group discussion of outstanding problems or time to work in teams

July 1, Tuesday

*Check out of hotel if leaving and bring your luggage to the Weitz Center —shuttles to the airport will leave from Weitz Center (see shuttle schedule in folder)

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield

8:30 AM Plenary: Evaluation results overview (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) PRIVATE FILE 2MB Jul3 14) - Kim Kastens

9:00 AM Discuss plan for incorporating evaluation results into revisions

  • Revise draft module completion plan (in team pages as needed)
  • Continue revisions

10:00 Course Assessment Plan conversation with assessment team and team leads (private page for assessment team and leads)

11:30 AM Report out: How is it going? What have you learned that others should know?

12:00 PM Box lunches with teams

1:00 PM Time to work in teams on faculty materials and instructor stories - Team Leaders

  • Edit faculty materials in CMS as needed
  • Begin work on instructor stories
  • Revise plan in CMS as necessary
  • Continued interviews with Carol
  • Complete instructor story videotaping?
  • Complete"Checkpoint 5: Revisions Planned" as a group. Assessment consultant reviews plan.

Begin revisions as appropriate

4:00 PM End of Meeting Plenary

  • Dissemination - fall meetings: What would you like to share, develop plan
  • Module testing - what is still needed?

5:00 PM End of Meeting Evaluation

5:30 PM Celebratory reception at The Contented Cow

7:00 PM Dinner at Chapati

July 2, Wednesday (optional)

Courtesy breakfast - Country Inn of Northfield

*Check out of hotel--- shuttles to the airport will leave from the Country Inn/Alumni Guest House (see shuttle schedule in folder)

8:30 AM Teams begin revisions as appropriate, identify open questions, obtain assistance as needed

Lunch on your own