2015 Module Development Meeting Agenda
April 17-19, 2015
UNAVCO Office, Boulder CO
Before Meeting
Complete the pre-meeting tasks on the Participant Checklist.
Meeting Goals
- Meet and get to know your team
- Start the materials development process
- Be able to use the CMS (Content Management System)
- Review potential geodesy data types and sources related to your module theme and identify most likely candidate data sets
- Sketch out your module: Develop a common and specific vision of your module goals and components and document it in the Checkpoint #1 workspace
- Establish a working relationship between each other, your assessment consultant, and Beth
- Become familiar with the assessment data collection process and know where to look up additional information as needed
- Create a workplan, timeline, and communications plan for completing the module (including collaboration with Beth or technical expert as needed to gain access to desired data sets)
April 17, Friday
*All workshop activities will take place in the UNAVCO Board Room (perhaps moving to other UNAVCO meeting rooms for work in teams on Sat and Sun)
**The current agenda is pretty detailed because there is a lot to cover; however, because we are a small group, we certainly have the leeway to modify the deviate from the "schedule" as makes sense to respond to group needs. We just need to get through everything in the end.
(8:30 am Pre-workshop PI Meeting -- Beth, Becca, Bruce, and Donna -- draft agenda (private workspace))
12:00 pm Lunch at Gurkhas in Gunbarrel (for anyone who has arrived by this time) Map of UNAVCO area (Acrobat (PDF) 356kB Feb6 15)
1:30 pm START - Welcome & Introductions - Beth and Donna
- (including Kristin of SERC on Skype)
2:00 pm Workshop Overview GETSI Development Meeting Intro (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.9MB Apr14 15) - Beth
- Agenda, UNAVCO layout, local map
- Quick review of Development Cycle and Guiding Principles - Beth
- Resources:
- GETSI webinar GETSI Overview & Guiding Principles (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.7MB Feb27 15)
- GETSI Materials Development Rubric (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 134kB Dec7 17)
- GETSI Short Grading Rubric (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) PRIVATE FILE 53kB Dec7 17)
- Climate, Earth Science , and GETSI-specific literacy principles (Acrobat (PDF) 51kB Jan18 14).
- Geodesy Grand Challenges (Acrobat (PDF) 9.7MB Jan24 14)
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching
- Teaching Geoscientific Thinking
- Teaching with Data
- Excel tutorial
- Teaching Systems Thinking
2:15 pm Potential geodesy datasets - Beth
- Teams spend time reviewing candidate data sets with a technical expert and brainstorming likely needs and hurdles
3:15 pm Content Management System Intro to SERC Content Management System (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1011kB Apr14 15) - Beth and Ellen
- SERC's CMS Help and Instruction pages
- You are most likely to start with Quick Edit Help and Using SERC Workspaces
3:30 pm Break
3:45 pm Learning Goals and Outcomes
- Quick review GETSI Development Approach & Learning Goals (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.8MB Mar12 15) - Beth
- Module teams each discuss strategies for addressing the guiding principles in their module and work on module-level goal/s.
- Record your ideas in "Checkpoint #1 Workpage" for now.
- Materials in Progress links to teaching module pages.
- Resources to work with
- Bloom's Taxonomy Handouts (Zip Archive 371kB Jan22 18)
- InTeGrate overview of setting learning goals
- Webinar about learning goals webinar from InTeGrate
- Setting and articulating learning goals from Barb Tewksbury's course design tutorial
4:30 pm Continue work on Learning Goals and Outcomes as time remains
5:20 pm Roadcheck - Day #1
5:30 pm Dinner at Avery Brewing Co next to UNAVCO
April 18, Saturday
Courtesy breakfast - Hampton Inn at Gunbarrel
8:30 am Full-group report out of goals
9:00 am Learning goals/outcomes and assessments (including rubrics)
- Quick Review Assessment and Rubrics (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.4MB Mar20 15) - Beth
- Work time in module teams to start developing the alignment between learning goals/outcomes and assessments
- Resources:
- InTeGrate resources and designing assessments
- Webinar about aligning assessment screencast from InTeGrate
- Understanding What Our Geoscience Students Are Learning: Observing and Assessing
- University of Connecticut Assessment Primer
- Webinar about rubrics screencast from InTeGrate
Take break as needed
11:00 am Instructional Strategies (including metacognition)
- Instructional Strategies and Metacognition (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.2MB Apr14 15) - Beth
- Work time in teams to discuss instructional strategies
- Plate Boundary Observatory playing cards webpage
- Resources:
- InTeGrate resources on Metacognition
- Many ideas for Teaching Methods from SERC's Pedagogy in Action site
- Role of Metacognition in Learning
- Webinar about metacognition screencast from InTeGrate
- Flipped Classrooms 2-page overview by Educause. The NSTA book Lecture-Free Teaching is specifically for the college level.
- 5-E Instructional Model overview by NASA Education
- Some reviewed collections of high quality teaching materials include CLEAN and Earth Exploration Toolbox
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Continue team work on instructional strategies
2:00 pm Development process and general timeline
- Module Development Timeline - Ellen and Beth
- Work in teams to record the following information into the CMS
- Timeline for teaching checkpoints
- Communication plan for working remotely with your team
- Complete description/outline and goals
- Complete how module addresses guiding principles
- Materials in Progress
Take break as needed
4:00 pm GETSI template formats and document accessibility issues
- GETSI templates and accessbility (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.2MB Apr14 15) - Beth
- Resources:
- GETSI file templates
- GETSI Word Template (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 208kB May26 23)
- GETSI Powerpoint Template (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.2MB Jul15 24)
- GETSI Accessibility Style Guide
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
- Creating and verifying PDF accessibility
- Creating accessible Word documents
4:30 pm Work time in module teams to discuss aligning geodetic data sets, learning goals/outcomes, assessment, and rubrics. You will be working in the "Reporting" and "Checkpoint #1 Workpage" parts of your module. Example tasks:
- Complete unit/activity overview/s
- Develop a common vision for rubrics within your team
- Discuss assessment plans with assessment consultant
- Discuss how you will weave student reflection (metacognition) into your module
- Discuss geodetic data plans with Beth: develop a task list for the summer intern and determine data management that will be done by authors
- Determine your module title
5:20 pm Roadcheck - Day #2
7:00 pm Dinner in Boulder at Verde
April 19, Sunday
Courtesy breakfast - Hampton Inn at Gunbarrel
8:30 am Testing Process and Data Collection (GLE, Attitude, IRB, etc.)
- Data Collection and IRB (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.7MB Feb10 18) - Ellen
- GETSI forms and documents
- Copyright Pointers
- More Copyright Tips
- Teams revisit timeline and add data collection and components
9:00 am Continuing working on the tasks listed in 4:30 pm Saturday section and generally get as much done as possible.
Take a break as needed
11:40 Each team report out on module development and assessment ideas so far
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Continue working on above tasks
2:30 pm Workshop evaluation
3:00 pm Adjourn - Ellen will be driving to the airport in a rental car to catch a 5:30 flight. Beth can take anyone to the airport who is flying after 5:30 pm.