Using Serckit Workspaces
Serckit Workspaces are wiki-like areas on the web where groups can collaboratively edit web pages and share documents.
Visit the Workspace and Create an Account
The Basics of Editing within Workspaces
To edit the text of a page just click the Edit button in the upper right corner. You can make formatting changes using the editing toolbar across the top of the page. An editing sidebar will appear with controls for saving changes, adding links and uploading files. This video provides a quick 3 minute overview of these features that will get you started.
Prefer text instructions to video? Here's a one page summary of the basic editing features.
Workspaces can be Public or Private.
Depending on how the workspace was set up it may be either public or private.
- Public Workspaces can be viewed by anyone (no account or password needed).
- Private Workspaces and files within them are only visible to those with an account that has explicitly been given access.
- Both public and private workspace can be edited only by those with explicit access: you must have an account and that account must have been given editing access to that workspace.
If additional people need access to your workspace you'll need to provide their email addresses to the person managing the workspace.
Workspaces are Built on the Same Tools as the rest of Serckit.
You can explore the rest of the documentation here to get more detail about Serckit and how it functions. Most of these ideas and additional formatting tags apply equally to workspaces. The two major differences between Workspaces and other areas on the SERC site are:
- Workspaces have only live pages, while other web spaces in Serckit have both development and live versions. Since workspaces are intended for formative, collaborative work the the dev/live separation would complicate things unnecessarily.
- Workspaces pages have additional options embedded directly at the bottom the page. These controls allow creation of new pages, the editing of the local menu and access to all uploaded files. This means people can use workspaces in a self-contained way without needing to learn Serckit's more complicated back-end tools.
You can learn more about the rest of Serckit in the pages that follow.