Team Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

Additional team meetings will be listed here as they are scheduled.

Past Team Meetings

GETSI Field Gallen Research Group: May 5, 2023

This meeting was by invitation only for members of the Sean Gallen research group at Colorado State University in order to prepare for teaching resource development and prepared data set collection during the summer 2023 field season. It was held on May 5, 2023 on the CSU campus.

GETSI Field Phase 2 Kick-Off Meeting: November 17, 2019

This workshop was by invitation only for project PIs and instructors of geoscience courses with field components (Field Cohort 1). The workshop elements built on learning during geodesy field education short courses held in 2016-2018 and more fully supported implementation of geodesy field methods into undergraduate courses. Prior to the arrival of the Cohort 1 participants, the project PIs held a planning meeting.
Friday November 15 (travel-only day for non-PIs) - Sunday November 17 12pm
UNAVCO Office, Boulder, Colorado

IGUaNA Module Authors Meeting: October 29-30, 2019

This workshop was by invitation only for module authors, near-surface geophysics experts, and program assessment consultants.
Rutgers University Newark NJ, Earth and Environmental Sciences Department

GETSI Phase 2 Development Workshop: February 9-11, 2018

This workshop was by invitation only for module authors, geodetic experts, and program assessment consultants. The initial module design was completed during this time and the groundwork laid for continued module development and testing during the 2018-2019 academic year.
Friday February 9th 1 pm - Sunday February 11th 2 pm
UNAVCO Office, Boulder, Colorado

Field Education GPS Development Workshop: April 15-16, 2016

This work was by invitation only for the module authors involved in High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS module. The initial module design was completed during this time and the groundwork laid for continued module development and testing over the 2016-2017 academic Year.

Year 2 Development Workshop: April 17-19, 2015

This workshop was by invitation only for module authors, geodetic experts, and program assessment consultants. The initial module design was completed during this time and the groundwork laid for continued module development and testing over the remainder of the 2015-2016 academic year.
April 17-19, 2015 (Friday - Sunday)
UNAVCO Office, Boulder, Colorado

Year 1 Development Workshop: February 21-23, 2014

This workshop is by invitation only for module authors, geodetic experts, and program assessment consultants. The primary module design will be completed during this time and the groundwork laid for continued module development and testing over the remainder of 2014.
February 21-23, 2014 (Friday - Sunday)
UNAVCO Office, Boulder, Colorado

Past Team Webinars - GETSI Phase 2

Classroom Pilot-Testing for Non-authors Webinar

Classroom Pilot-Testing for GETSI Authors Webinars

Prior to the February 2018 GETSI Materials Development Meeting we ran a series of three webinars for all the new authors.

1 - Introduction to the GETSI-InTeGrate Development Model & Guiding Principles

2 - GETSI-InTeGrate Development Approach & Writing Learning Goals

3 - Assessment & Rubrics

Past Team Webinars - GETSI Phase 1

Assessment & Rubrics

  • March 20, 2015 - 10 am PT | 11 am MT | 12 pm CT | 1 pm ET
  • Primarily for new authors (others welcome if available)
  • Assessment and Rubrics (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.4MB Mar20 15)
    Assessment and Rubrics
    Click to view

GETSI-InTeGrate Development Approach & Writing Learning Goals

GETSI Pilot-testing

  • March 10, 2015 - 2 pm PT | 3 pm MT | 4 pm CT | 5 pm ET
  • Primarily for pilot-testers (others welcome if available)
  • GETSI Pilot-Testing Webinar (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.5MB Mar11 15)
    GETSI Pilot-Testing Webinar
    Click to view

Introduction to the GETSI-InTeGrate Development Model & Guiding Principles

  • February 27, 2015 - 10 am PT | 11 am MT | 12 pm CT | 1 pm ET
  • All authors and assessment team members
  • GETSI Overview & Guiding Principles (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.7MB Feb27 15)
    GETSI Overview & Guiding Principles
    Click to view

GETSI Classroom Testing and Student Data Collection

GETSI-InTeGrate Development Approach and Learning Outcomes

Guiding Principles for Module Design

Introduction to the GETSI-InTeGrate Development Model

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