2014 Module Development Meeting Agenda

February 21-23

UNAVCO Office, Boulder CO

Before Meeting

Complete the pre-meeting tasks on the Participant Checklist.

Meeting Goals

  • Meet and get to know your team
  • Explore the materials development process: Become comfortable in the CMS (Content Management System)
  • Review potential geodesy data types and sources related to your module theme and identify most likely candidate data sets
  • Sketch out your module: Develop a common and specific vision of your module goals and components and document it in the Checkpoint #1 workspace
  • Establish a working relationship between each other, your assessment consultant, and Beth
  • Become familiar with the assessment data collection process
  • Create a workplan, timeline, and communications plan for completing the module (including collaboration with Beth or technical expert as needed to gain access to desired data sets)

February 21, Friday

*All workshop activities will take place in the UNAVCO Board Room (perhaps moving to other UNAVCO meeting rooms for work in teams on Sat and Sun)

**The current agenda is pretty detailed because there is a lot to cover; however, because we are a small group, we certainly have the leeway to modify the deviate from the "schedule" as makes sense to respond to group needs. We just need to get through everything in the end.

(9:00 am Pre-workshop PI Meeting -- Beth, Becca, Bruce, Meghan; also Donna and Shelley -- draft agenda (private workspace))

12:00 pm Lunch at Gurkhas in Gunbarrel (for anyone who has arrived by this time) Map of UNAVCO area (Acrobat (PDF) 356kB Feb6 15)

1:30 pm START - Welcome & Introductions - Beth and Meghan

  • (including Tonya of SERC on Skype)

2:00 pm Overview presentation - Beth GETSI development meeting intro (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.3MB Feb21 14)

2:30 pm Potential geodesy datasets - Chris Crosby and Beth (with much info from Steve Nerem)

  • Teams spend time reviewing candidate data sets with a technical expert and brainstorming likely needs and hurdles

3:30 pm Break

3:45 pm Content Management System CMS Brief Introduction (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 228kB Feb20 14) - Ellen and Beth

4:00 pm Learning Goals and Outcomes

  • Quick review - Beth
  • Module teams each discuss strategies for addressing the guiding principles in their module and work on module-level goal/s.
  • Record your ideas in "Checkpoint #1 Workpage" for now.
  • Materials in Progress links to teaching module pages.
  • Resources to work with

5:30 pm Roadcheck - Day #1

6:45 pm Dinner in Boulder at The Mediterranean Restaurant

February 22, Saturday

Courtesy breakfast - Hampton Inn at Gunbarrel

8:30 am Full-group report out of goals

9:00 am Learning goals/outcomes and assessments

Assessment: exam/quiz/in-class prompts "Based on the image provided, how could the person minimize her risk?" and "For each of the following locations/hurricanes (include some pairings of place, hurricane, population, etc), calculate the risk to life and property."

  • 2. Describe the causes of the natural hazard (e.g., hurricanes form as an atmospheric instability over warm water, in a region with little or no vertical wind shear, in sufficient latitude for Coriolis).


Assessment: Pre/Post multiple choice test that includes a confidence rating.

  • 3. List several risks of the natural hazard (e.g., high winds, storm surge, flooding after initial surge, coastal land loss, destruction of infrastructure including roads, power plants, etc. and subsequent risks from those).


Assessment: Pre/Post multiple choice test that includes a confidence rating.

  • 4. Explain how precipitation impacts the surface of the Earth and can lead to movement and change in the hillslope and river systems.


Assessment: Have students sketch and annotate a concept map or physical diagram showing relationships, including, for example, the effect that a high magnitude event makes in the sensitivity of a landscape to further change.

  • 5. Analyze maps and images to determine landscape changes and hazardous areas, e.g. repeat images for changes in the topography and coastlines, topographic maps for areas of flood hazard.


Assessment: exam or quiz question based on a lab/project/homework.

  • 6. Describe the size of a particular event compared to averages and medians (e.g., ACE index of a single hurricane, or an entire season)


Assessment: exam/quiz/in-class prompt "Use the ACE index to rank the size of these two hurricanes."

  • 7. Make relevant predictions (e.g., effects of the hurricane, past similar events)


Assessment: homework assignment or in-class essay or exam based on lab/project/homework.

  • 8. Describe the range of possible hurricane impacts to an area, and be able to communicate those hazards to a general audience.


Assessment: lab report/problem set/take-home exam/exam essay question

  • 9. Explain the challenges of making decisions based on probabilities

Take break as needed

11:00 am Instructional Strategies (including metacognition)

12:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm Continue team work on instructional strategies

2:00 pm Development process and general timeline

Take break as needed

4:00 pm Developing and using rubrics

4:30 pm Work time in module teams to discuss aligning geodetic data sets, learning goals/outcomes, assessment, and rubrics. You will be working in the "Reporting" and "Checkpoint #1 Workpage" parts of your module. Example tasks:

5:30 pm Roadcheck - Day #2

7:00 pm Dinner in Boulder at Agave

February 23, Sunday

Courtesy breakfast - Hampton Inn at Gunbarrel

8:30 am Testing Process and Data Collection (GLE, Attitude, IRB, etc.)

9:00 am Continuing working on the tasks listed in 4:30 pm Saturday section and generally get as much done as possible.

Take a break as needed

12:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm Continue working on above tasks

2:30 pm Workshop evaluation

3:00 pm Adjourn - Beth can take anyone to the airport who is flying after 5:30 pm

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