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For Team Members
Team Meetings
February 2014
Roadcheck-Day 2
2014 Authors' Meeting Roadcheck - Day 2
Please tell us about your experience at the workshop so far. Your input is valuable to us as we plan the remaining meeting. Your responses to this survey will be kept confidential. However, we ask that you enter your name below. This will improve our ability to evaluate the program by allowing us to link information about your experience to your responses to other evaluation instruments. The evaluator will remove your name from the survey results and only use it to make this linkage. The workshop conveners will not see your name in association with any of your comments.
Your name:
Please let us know if there are items that need to be addressed that either have not been considered or discussed or that seem to be unresolved or were glossed over. In other words, are there items that would keep you up at night if they go unaddressed.
We value your perspective and expertise. Moving forward it will be critical that your input and voice are heard and valued. Please let us know if you have any concerns with your ability to be heard or contribute.
Is there anything you need to finish your work tomorrow? (If your answer is more time, we can try to allocate the schedule differently but we haven't figured out how to add hours to the day.)
Please indicate your current satisfaction with this workshop by selecting the appropriate number (10=Very Satisfied and 1=Dissatisfied).
Choose one:
10 - Very Satisfied
1 - Very Dissatisfied
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Cohort 1 Workspace
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Cohort 4 Workspace
Cohort 5 Workspace
Cohort 6 Workspace
Cohort 7 Workspace
GETSI Field Engineer Notes
Team Meetings
February 2018
April 2016
April 2015
February 2014
Travel and Logistics
Roadcheck-Day 1
Roadcheck-Day 2
End of Meeting Survey
Participant List
Participant Checklist
November 2019
Forms and Documents
Leadership Team Workspace
Assessment Team Workspace
IGUaNA Workspace
Developers Manual
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