LTER-EDDIE Teaching Module and Community Building (by invitation only)
Virtual Workshop: September 8, 17, 28, 2021 & Community Building during the 2021-2022 academic year

Jump down to: Goals | Expectations |Curriculum Development Workshop | Location | Costs | Stipends | Registration (By Invite Only) | Additional Resources | Contact
Invited participants (~10-15) from the LTER community will design, test, and publish a Project EDDIE module and work in a community together to improve how they teach quantitative reasoning. The virtual workshop kicking off this experience will take place on September 8. 17, and 28. Participants will be guided through development of a Project EDDIE module that is designed to take 1-3 periods in a class they will be teaching in the current academic year. Modules will incorporate best practices for using large datasets to improve quantitative reasoning in students using the Project EDDIE A-B-C format. The set of materials created at this workshop are expected to focus on specific scientific concepts and address a set of quantitative reasoning skills using openly available LTER datasets. After the workshop, small groups will meet to discuss teaching your modules and to discuss your shared interests in teaching and researching with LTER data. Participants will be expected to attend the entire workshop, complete homework by deadlines set in workshop meetings, and develop, teach, revise and publish their module to the Project EDDIE website by the end of Spring term 2022.
Participation in this experience is by invitation only (another opportunity to develop modules and build community will be open to all through an application process, will be available in January 2022).
The goals of this experience are to:
- Connect with colleagues with a shared interest in LTER science
- Learn about strategies for teaching with large datasets that improve quantitative reasoning in students
- Develop a Project EDDIE module using LTER data for a class you will be teaching, with the end goal of piloting the module and publishing it to the Project EDDIE collections
- Hold four meetings with other workshop participants/module authors to discuss and support each other teaching with EDDIE modules
By registering this experience, participants agree to do the following:
- Participate fully in the entire workshop and attend all workshop sessions. Please plan to attend all workshop sessions and complete all pre-work and homework.
- Identify an openly available LTER dataset that you would like to teach with that you describe in your registration. While you may change the dataset you use for your teaching module, we have found that thinking about a concept and data in advance prepares participants for full participation.
- Complete development of a Project EDDIE module at the workshop and submit it to the project collection.
- Submit plan for four post-workshop meetings with a small team to discuss and support each other in teaching your modules and shared LTER interests.
- Teach your module in your own course, revise, and publish the module to the EDDIE website by May 15, 2022. Stipends are available to support development. Please see details below.
- Provide feedback to Project EDDIE on team meetings through a web-based form.
More detailed expectations are here.
Code of Conduct –This Project EDDIE Virtual Workshop will be taking place virtually and participants are expected to abide by SERC's Code of Professional Conduct.
Curriculum Development Workshop Dates
- Pre-work Assigned a week before the workshop (~2 hours of homework due before Wednesday, September 8)
- Wednesday, September 8: Synchronous session I, from 9am -1pm CT, followed by homework assignment (due before September 17; anticipated to take ~2 hrs)
- Friday, September 17: Synchronous session II, from 1pm -5pm CT, followed by homework assignment (due before September 28; anticipated to take ~2-4 hrs)
- Tuesday, September 28: Synchronous session III, from 9am -1pm CT
The workshop will be hosted virtually using Zoom by the Science Education Resource Center (SERC).
There is no registration cost for attending this meeting.
The successful completion of a module includes up to a $1,500 stipend. Completion includes authoring a module with supporting materials, piloting it in a course, revising, and publishing it , as well as completing a reflection on your team meetings. More details on development process are available on the project website. Stipends are provided by NSF, and as such, participants must be US citizens or permanent residents in order to receive a stipend for developing a module.
Registration (By Invite Only)
- The workshop is limited to12 participants, by invitation only. The final list of participants will be established through targeted invitations with the goal of assembling a group of faculty and instructors active in the LTER community. Here is the registration form for that invited cohort. As part of registration, we ask for you to develop an idea for what concept you would like to teach using LTER data and to share more information about your course. We also are committed to ensuring that modules are developed from openly available data so we ask for you to describe the dataset you are considering in more detail.
Additional Resources
- EDDIE Teaching Modules - examples of Project EDDIE modules, from across the three Project EDDIE initiatives.
- Webinar: Developing and Implementing EDDIE Teaching Modules Using High-frequency Datasets to Address Scientific Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning Skills Recording is available for viewing.
- Webinar: Developing students' quantitative reasoning skills using large authentic datasets and Project EDDIE modules Recording is available for viewing.
- Webinar: How to Adapt EDDIE Modules to Meet Students' Needs Recording is available for viewing.
- Webinar: Using Time Series Data in the Classroom Recording is available for viewing.
- Project EDDIE Publications and Presentations
For More Information
For more information about this workshop please contact Sarah Fortner.