Initial Publication Date: September 25, 2023
Leading a Workshop about EDDIE
EDDIE Workshop in a Box Guide and Template
Jump to: Planning for a workshop | Pre-workshop activities | Running the workshop | Workshop program template

This page has resources to help you develop a workshop focused on EDDIE teaching materials.
Planning for a workshop
Designing and implementing a workshop requires planning months before the workshop and follow-up after the workshop.
Connect with Project EDDIE
- Before applying to run a project EDDIE workshop - check with EDDIE leadership to make sure you are coordinating with other project efforts.
Consider logistics:
- Determine if the workshop will be in person or virtual.
- Understand the durations of workshop times available. Often this is either 4 hours or ~8 hours with a break.
Apply for the workshop:
- Apply for the workshop through the host organization's regular process.
- Announcements/abstracts should emphasize the interactive nature of the workshop and value to the participants
- Include information about expectations (homework, having a laptop, participating in the whole workshop etc.)
Pre-workshop activities (after approval)
- Work with SERC staff to create a workshop overview webpage that includes 1) the meeting, date, time and location of the workshop 2) the specific title and workshop goals and 3) the convener team and contact for getting more information 4) a link to the registration 5) a link to the online program either on the EDDIE website or on the conference website.
- Workshop announcements should include the same information as the overview webpage and a brief workshop description.
- Advertise the workshop to the EDDIE community and other communities you think will bring new interest to the workshop
- Use other networks or communication platforms that are specific to your meeting
Communicate with participants
- Not all conference planners or meeting structures will allow you to get access to the participants beforehand. Sometimes participants choose which session they want to attend at the time it starts. Sometimes there just isn't good communication with the meeting organizers. If you don't have access to the participants beforehand, make sure you are ready for the biggest and smallest number of people who could be in the room. Have a program introduction that will start participants from no knowledge of Project EDDIE or Quantitative Reasoning to get everyone caught up before the workshop starts.
If you do have access to participants by e-mail:
- Consider if you will have participants do pre-work. Typical pre-work might include things like:
- Deciding which course they will add an EDDIE module to and finding the syllabus for that course
- Looking at the existing modules and considering which they might want to use
- Exploring a module (for example: Climate change) or completing part A of a module ahead of the workshop
- Reading the page about how modules are developed
- Consider if you want a pre-workshop survey and work with SERC staff to create one if needed. Typical survey questions might include:
- Demographic information not included in registration or provided by the meeting organizers like what institution or department
- Something about what the participants teach - what level, discipline, course, format
- Information about what the participants expect to get from the workshop you could use to tweak the program.
- An exploratory question to get participants thinking about how they might change their courses.
- After the workshop registration deadline, get the participant list and ask SERC to create a workshop e-mail list with the participants and conveners (see below).
- Communicate with the participants that they are registered for the workshop, the time/date/location of the workshop, the workshop overview page URL, opportunity for getting more information, and a reminder to bring a laptop. If there is a online program, share that also.
- Communicate any pre-work expectations and other materials (such as a syllabi) they need to bring to the workshop.
- Consider how to communicate with late registrations if the conference allows late registration.
Virtual meetings
- Make it clear how to connect to the meeting - if Zoom connections are going to be sent out the day of the meeting or if they will be behind a log-in, make that information front and center in your messages.
- Remember to send a just-in-time reminder an hour before the meeting starts.
- If there are significant, scheduled breaks communicate that ahead of time. Duration of time on the computer matters to some participants.
Communication with meeting organizers
- Request participant lists after the early bird registration closes and updates after the main registration closes. Make sure you understand if they will add late registrants and have a plan for updating those people.
- The week before the meeting, double check the room set up and particularly the internet connection.
- Double check catering reservations if there are any.
Running the workshop
Create the program
- Use the example programs to adapt your agenda to the time and audience of your workshop
- Make sure to follow the guidelines of a Workshop in a Box: The workshop is interactive, encourages active learning pedagogy, makes best use of the EDDIE materials and generally follows the outline of the WiaB template.
- All workshops must include: Code of Conduct, Exploration, ..., Action planning or individual next steps after the workshop.
- If possible, provide a mechanism for feedback from the participants. SERC can help you set up an End of Workshop web based survey. There may be other mechanisms through the conference organization.
- Project EDDIE has numerous workshop programs available to review
- The program should include an overview of EDDIE modules and example module materials to help participants understand how they can quickly adopt or adapt these materials for their courses.
Convene the workshop
In Person
- Consider bringing sundries like AV cords, power cords, markers, pointers etc.
- If you want to have back up paper copies of some of the materials, bring those with you.
- Arrive early on the day of the workshop to have enough time to fix issues like tables not set up correctly or disabled wifi. Check your tech in time to fix it.
- See if you can identify the person who can help manage problems that may come up like the conference organizer or the venue tech person. Conference centers will often have a 'red phone' in the workshop room.
Virtual workshops
- Open the meeting room early.
- Remember to send a just in time e-mail about connection information
- Set expectations about norms for a virtual workshop. For example if people should keep their cameras on and microphones muted, if they need to raise hands or say their names before speaking etc.
Both modalities
- Take attendance and ask if people want to be added to the EDDIE community e-mail list (if this wasn't done earlier).
- Start and end on time
- Have fun with the participants!
Following the workshop
- Provide feedback to Project EDDIE about how thing went and what changes or supports would be helpful for future workshops
- Forward us your participation information including how many people and their contact information if relevant.
- Remind your SERC support person to mark the workshop pages as being in the past.
- Send a thank you message to your participants (if you have their contact information) and let them know how to stay involved with the project.
Workshop program template
This section includes a complete workshop program that will help you develop a program aligned with your workshop goals.