Goals of the workshop:
By the end of the workshop you will:
- Connect with colleagues interested in LTER science and teaching with LTER data
- Understand strategies for teaching with large datasets that improve quantitative reasoning in students
- Develop a complete EDDIE module using LTER data for a class you will be teaching
- Incorporate your module into your syllabus/course schedule
- Plan meetings with colleagues to discuss strategies for improving how you teach with your module and open data
Jump to: Prework |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3
All times are listed as CENTRAL time zone, please convert to your time zone accordingly.
Pre-workshop Assignments
Before September 8:
- Ensure you are able to access the Participant Workspace. You will need to have and be logged in to your SERC account to access this space. Contact Monica ( if you are unable to access the workspace. Zoom details are on this page & you should have a calendar invitation.
- Complete Pre-workshop assignments outlined within the workspace.
Day 1, Wednesday September 8th: History & Getting Started on Module Development
Participant Workspace »9:00 - 9:20 CDT - Welcome to the EDDIE Community (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 852kB Sep8 21) (Catherine)
- History & Goals of Project EDDIE
- Objectives for this experience: modules & community
- Examples of research & teaching activities
9:20 - 9:40 CDT - Icebreaker Activity - break into two small groups to discuss the prompts in the Participant Workspace (Cailin) --
9:40 - 10:10 CDT - Introduction to Project EDDIE Modules (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.5MB Sep8 21). (Catherine & Sarah) This presentation will touch on:
10:10 - 10:30 CDT - Backwards Design- Modified from Pedagogy in Action (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.4MB Sep2 21) (Cailin)
10:30- 11:00 CDT -Jamboard: Sharing Ideas (Sarah)
- topical concept
- over-arching question
- data set
- learning goals
- student activities
11:00-11:10 CDT - Break
11:10-11:30 CDT - Grouping ideas & thinking about connections to the larger LTER community using the Jamboard (Sarah)
- Group 1: Topical Concept, Question, Dataset - Katie, Gabe, Christa, and Cailin
- Group 2: Learning Goals/Activities - Elizabeth, Jeffrey, David, Sarah, and Catherine
11:30-11:45 CDT - Share out to the bigger group (Cailin)
11:45-12:30 CDT - Developing Your Module, Co-working with teams. (Sarah lead)
- Group 1: Katie, Gabe, Christa, and Cailin
- Group 2: Elizabeth, Jeffrey, David, Sarah, and Catherine
Participants' Module Brainstorming Worksheets
In your workspace describe:
- concept you want students to understand
- overarching question related to the concept that will drive their investigation
- dataset(s) the students might use to answer the question
- what the students might do with the data to answer the question , while also exploring the concept
- learning goals (skills and habits students will demonstrate) that would be achieved through this activity
- how you might assess student learning (formative or summative)
- discuss strengths, questions, ideas to strengthen alignment of learning goals & activities (Catherine, Cailin, Sarah in rooms with groups)
12:30-12:40 CDT - Development Timeline Overview (Cailin)
12:40 - 1:00 CDT - Wrap up, overview of homework (and your Module Draft Page), and Road Check (Sarah)
Participants' Module Work Pages
- Draft learning goals, context for use, activities, assessment, in alignment with the EDDIE rubric, using your Module Work Page, linked above (12:40 session)
- Completely finished example (this one has been published, so it's okay if yours is more of a draft than this): Climate Change Module
- Co-working encouraged, see participant list & listserv
- Open Office Hours to answer draft questions
Day 2, Friday September 17: Refining Core Ideas & Drafting Module (1-5pm Central)
Participant Workspace »
Zoom connection information in the participant workspace
1:00 -1:10 CDT - Response to Road Check (Cailin)
1:10- 2:20 CDT (Catherine)
Participants present overview of their module to others & ask for feedback on areas they would like input (~12 minutes each). Share comments on discussion thread for each module.
Participant's Module Work Pages
Feedback into the chat:
1. One thing you like
2. One suggestion
3. Ask a question
Things to consider:
a. Is there an over-arching question?
b. Are there clearly defined learning goals?
c. Do students move to increasingly independent work & critical reasoning
d. Has a data set been identified? Is it publicly accessible?
Refer to the Project EDDIE rubric; ideas from the quantitative reasoning component will be embedded in learning goals
2:20-2:30 CDT Break
2:30-3:00 CDT Assessment of Student Learning Goals (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.5MB Jan27 22) (Sarah)
3:00-4:00 CDT Co-working time to address feedback & strengthen learning goals and assessment - in working teams (Cailin)
- Group 1: Katie, Gabe, Christa, and Cailin
- Group 2: Elizabeth, Jeffrey, David, Sarah, and Catherine
4:00-4:10 CDT Break
4:10- 4:30 CDT Understanding our common interests (Sarah)
- What is important for other instructors to know about the LTER as we publish these modules? What should the front matter/introduction to the set look like?
4:30 - 4:55 CDT - Where we are headed, homework, expectations and supports for time until next meeting. (Cailin) Road Check
- Continue refining your module & refine existing sections, add summary, create draft of teaching materials (everything needed to teach: instructional power points, & student materials)
- Aim for nearly final draft that someone could use in their course.
- Supports for developers
Day 3, Tuesday September 28: Reviewing Complete Drafts, Planning Your Pilots & Team Learning, Dissemination that Supports You & EDDIE Community
9:00 - 9:10 CDT - Response to Road Check (Cailin)
9:10-9:20 CDT Overview of the day (Sarah)
9:20-9:30 CDT - Instructions for peer review (Catherine)
9:30-10:20 CDT - Paired Peer Review
Say one thing you like
Make a suggestion
Ask a question
Things to consider:
1. Is the student inquiry clear?
2. Do students move to increasingly independent work & critical thinking (making more choices)?
3. Are the learning goals aligned with the activities?
4. Are there suggestions I could make that will make opportunities this more appealing or more accessible to other educators and students?
5. Is the scope/scale good for a ~3 hour class?
Refer to the Project EDDIE rubric.
10:20-10:30 CDT - Break
10:30-11:30 CDT - Co-working time (Cailin)
11:30-12:00 CDT - Planning for Your Class (Sarah)
12:00-12:10 CDT Take Notes for Yourself
12:10-12:25 CDT Introduce Pilot, Team Meetings, Instructor Stories (Cailin)
12:25-12:45 CDT Planning Team meetings & Pilots (Co-Working Groups)
12:45- CDT - Community Building Opportunities, Wrap Up, End of workshop survey (Sarah)