LTER-EDDIE Participant Expectations
This is a curriculum development and community building experience for the LTER community. As part of this experience, you will create teaching materials and meet with LTER colleagues during a materials development workshop and then pilot and discuss your teaching experiences and shared interests in teaching and researching with LTER data with colleagues during the Fall and Spring semesters. To ensure that we build effective teaching materials and provide participants with meaningful community-building opportunities, we expect full participation as outlined here.
Module Development and Completion Expectations
Participants will design, teach, revise and publish modules that:
- focused on specific scientific concepts that address a set of quantitative reasoning or analytical skills. These modules will use LTER datasets that are publicly-available, and interface with relevant statistical vignettes when possible.
- help students 1) develop quantitative skills through generating visualizations/and or analyses using a large dataset and 2) improve quantitative reasoning through independent exploration of the dataset to address open-ended questions with real-world relevance
- feature the Project EDDIE A-B-C format and meet the Project EDDIE module rubric. This will be further explained at the workshop, and the workshop activities will walk participants through module development to meet the standards codified in the rubric.
- follow the Module Development Timeline, participants will work toward publishing a final, tested, and reviewed module. The published materials will be freely available to faculty, instructors, and not-for-profit educational institutions under a Creative Commons License that stipulates that users must attribute your work and offer any derivative work under a similar license.
- Participants agree to a pilot their module in a class they teach this academic year and revise their module after piloting.
Participants will share ideas and build community for teaching with LTER data by:
- conducting peer reviews as part of the design and development workshop.
- planning and having 4 meetings with fellow workshop participants to discuss strategies to improve teaching with EDDIE, EDDIE ideas, and synergistic opportunities.
- sharing experiences teaching their module in their own course in an instructor story developed and published on the Project EDDIE website to support use of the materials.
- completing a short reflection on their team meetings to inform our research on the value of team meetings to community building.
Participants will also receive mentoring and feedback that informs revision through:
- review of your teaching module before you teach for alignment with the EDDIE rubric.
- external review by an assessment consultant that will need to be incorporated, prior to publication on the project website.
- consultation and mentoring by Dr. Catherine O'Reilly and Dr. Sarah Fortner as it is helpful to you in completing this process.
Requirements for Receiving Stipends
The successful completion of a module includes up to a $1,500 stipend. Successful completion of the modules includes authoring, piloting, revising, and publishing the teaching and supporting materials. *As stipends are provided through NSF funding, recipients must be faculty at US institutions who are citizens or permanent residents of the US.
In order to receive a stipend, contributors must:
- Participate in the collaborative design and development of materials in a module to meet the guidelines of the Project EDDIE rubric. As part of this, we expect authors to provide feedback on one another's teaching on at least two separate occasions following the workshop. You will need to:
- Decide when and how you will conduct these meetings to discuss progress, to ask questions of one another, to support each other in your pilot
- Determine what kind of synergies and opportunities you would like to share with each other to support each other professionally in EDDIE-LTER
- Develop a module and supporting materials that have passed the Project EDDIE rubric. A complete module includes having the activity sheet describing the module and all supporting materials (instructor guide, student handout(s), and instructor PowerPoint) on the Project EDDIE website shortly after the workshop. (The workshop activities are designed to help you complete this over the course of the workshop.)
- Teach your module and document your pilot experience with the module in their own course in an instructor story. This information will become part of the set of materials developed and published by the team on the website to support use of the materials.
- Post-piloting, revise and refine module materials in collaboration with Project EDDIE personnel and incorporate appropriate suggestions of editors and reviewers in preparation for publication.
- Release copyright of module materials to Project EDDIE.
Stipend Payments
- Stipend payments will be dispersed in two parts:
- A first stipend payment will be made upon completing a module draft and supporting materials that has passed the Project EDDIE rubric. A complete module draft includes having the activity sheet describing the module and all supporting materials (instructor guide, student handout(s), and instructor PowerPoint) on the Project EDDIE website shortly after the workshop.
- A second payment will be made when materials have been piloted, revised, and published on the website with the full set of required supporting materials (instructor guide, student handout(s), and instructor PowerPoint). You must also submit an instructor story and a reflection on your team meetings.