Initial Publication Date: June 12, 2019
Resources for Teaching with Data
Existing Project EDDIE modules
- Project EDDIE module collection
- Project EDDIE 1 Environmental Data
- Project EDDIE Macrosystems modules using "R"
Possible Data Sources
- IRIS Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
- IRIS Earthquake Browser
- UNAVCO geodesy data
University-Governed Consortium Facilities, Geoscience Research and Education Using Geodesy - Geoprisms Geodynamic Processes at Rifting and Subducting Margins
- Macrostrat - Data packages of stratigraphic units from the US and abroad
- MinDat Information on all minerals
- USGS data catalog U.S. Geological Survey
- USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Real time data on earthquakes
- USGS Water Data - Surface water data of all sorts, mostly from the US, Groundwater data from the US
- USGS Volcano Data - Real time and Historic volcano data
- USGS Geochemical Data: Rocks - Geochemistry of US rock samples
- USGS Geologic Hazards - Links to all kinds of hazard data, Earthquakes, landslides, and more!
- StreamStat
- CZO Critical Zone Observatory
- SoilWeb
- Web Soil Survey
- Using LTER data Long-term Ecological Research
- National Research Reserve System
- NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Tides and Currents Products
- Climate Data
- NOAA Shoreline Data - Various data sets on US shorelines, Mostly geographical data
- NOAA Gravity Data - One of many geophysics datasets available; Maps and downloadable data available
- National Hurricane Center - Real time and historical hurricane data
- National Data Bouy Center
- International tide data
- Sea Level Station Monitoring IOC
- OOI data-portal Ocean Observatory Initiative
- Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network
- PRISM Climate Group
- PAGES - Past Global Changes - lists other Data compilation efforts
- WorldClim Global Climate Data
- AirNow
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality
- EPA Superfund Sites
- EPA Wetlands Inventory
- NEON National Ecological Observation Network
- EDDMapS Real time invasive species maps
- GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- Paleobiology Database
- Neotoma Paleoecology Database - Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment data
- iDigbio Portal
- NatureServe Explorer from NatureServe
- Data Nuggets (good for paper and pencil graphing)
- wikiwatershed - NGSS NAGT Webinar
- CUAHSI Universities Allied for Water Research
- Data Basin - access to thousands of scientifically-grounded, biological, physical, and socio-economic datasets
- CSDMS (Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System) - upper level student for integration of climate + sediments + hydrology + landforms
- Strabospot - Structural Geology and Tectonics data
Teaching with Data from other projects
- EREN Ecological Research as Education Network
- Pedagogy in Action
- UNAVCO education Resources
- Teaching with Data, Simulations and Models from On the Cutting Edge project
- Tools for Teaching with Data from On the Cutting Edge
- OOI for educators
- InTeGrate Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future
- The Math You Need When You Need It
- Teaching Computation with MATLAB
- Teaching with Data site guide from the SERC website
- Teaching with Data from DLESE Digital Library for Earth System Education
- Spreadsheet Data Analysis tutorials HHMI Biointeractive
- Teaching with Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum
- Khan Academy Tutorials
- Global Edge
- R Programming - Free online course for learning R (tidyverse is a package for R for data wrangling and visualization)