Teaching with Data

Increasingly, educators at all levels are recognizing the value of teaching with data. They are finding that once their students have the skills and tools to analyze data, they can literally explore the world from their computer desktops. Data Services invites you to implement this exciting and important learning strategy, and offers the following suggestions and resources to assist you.

Are you looking for a workshop opportunity?

People at workshop

The Data Services group hosts an annual conference with the overall goal of facilitating the use of data in education. Attendees include a wide range of people who have an interest in getting data used in educational settings. At the meeting each year, Data Providers, Tool Builders, Scientists, Curriculum Developers, and Educators meet and work together to address data access issues and to produce an educational module (specifically, an Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter). The meeting's goals also include improving communication and facilitating collaboration across the various roles.

The 2005 Data Services Workshop will be held in Breckenridge, CO from April 18-20.

Are you looking for information about using data for teaching?

The Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College has created and maintains the Using Data in the Classroom Web site. The site provides comprehensive information on the benefits, issues, and challenges of using data for teaching and learning. The site also offers examples, scenarios, and pedagogic resources that address the practical aspects of using data in the classroom. Whether you are just beginning to consider using data in your classroom or you have plenty of experience doing so, the Using Data site provides access to resources that will assist you in this important endeavor.

Are you looking for data?

The Tools and Data Sources link at the Using Data site gives browse level access to data and tools sorted by Topic, Science Background Level, Resource Types, and Data Sources.

Are you looking for data-rich learning activities?

The Activities and Examples link at the Using Data site provides descriptions and access to data-rich learning activities, browsable by Inquiry Level, Special Interest Types, Topics, and Grade Level.

Are you looking for data-rich activities at DLESE.org?

Click Resource Type button on DLESE.org
  1. When searching for educational resources, click the Resource Type button and check the boxes for the following items:
    • Case Study
    • Visual, sub-category Imagery-remotely sensed
    • Dataset, all sub-categories
    • Tools, sub-category Software
  2. Add the word "data" to your search term
  3. To see resources from Collections with a focus on data-rich activities, click the button below the main search box and check Earth Exploration Toolbook.

Are you looking for current ideas about improving access to data for education?

DLESE's Data Access Working Group (DAWG) has issued a white paper describing current ideas and efforts on improving access to data for education. Though not written specifically toward educators, the report describes issues faced by the range of stakeholders involved in efforts to get data used in education.

Are you looking for a discussion forum on data access issues?

Data services is considering implementing a chat area for data-related issues. Please contact Tamara Ledley if you are interested in contributing to such a discussion.

Would you like more information?

Visit Data Services Home Page.