
Please plan to arrive in Northfield in time for the 5:00 pm start time on June 11 and depart after 1:00 on June 13.

All workshop activities will take place at Carleton College, Weitz Center for Creativity Larsen room 236

Workshop Overview Participant Workspace

Jump to: June 11 | June 12 | June 13

Workshop goals:

  • Understand and synthesize the needs, challenges, and current best strategies for teaching quantitative reasoning, skills, and literacy for undergraduate STEM classes in environmental science related fields (e.g., ecology, hydrology, Earth science, geology, climatology, soil science, limnology, etc.)
  • Have participants learn about Project EDDIE and the teaching modules that were previously developed as part of the Environmental Data or Macrosystems initiatives.
  • Inform the design, development, and implementation of future Project EDDIE curricular modules and professional development opportunities to address the needs and challenges identified by the community
  • Build a community of people interested in improving their teaching of quantitative reasoning through open-ended exploration and interpretation of real-world data
  • Outline a community vision synthesis regarding the best practices and strategies for addressing the needs and challenges associated with teaching quantitative reasoning, skills, and literacy

June 11

5:00 pm: Opening and Welcome - Carleton College, Weitz Center, Larsen Room 236

  • Welcoming remarks - Cailin Huyck Orr
  • Introductions
    • Icebreaker (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 949kB Jun11 19): Kristin O'Connell
    • Project EDDIE - Catherine O'Reilly
    • Setting the Stage - Dax Soule

6:00 pm: Dinner (with cash-only bar) - Weitz Center atrium

7:15pm : Keynote Presentation I: "Past, Present, and Future: Building Students Confidence with Quantitative Reasoning"

    by Kristin Hunter-Thomson, Rutgers University
    Introduction by Dax Soule

June 12

Complimentary breakfast at the hotel

Other options walking distance include Brick Oven Bakery, Goodbye Blue Monday coffeehouse ( This site may be offline. ) , Tandem Bagels, and The Tavern (Coffee and tea will be available in the workshop space).

All workshop activities will take place at Carleton College, Weitz Center for Creativity Larsen room 236

8:30 am: Opening and goals for the day - Please sit at tables designated by institution type - Catherine

  • Participant Workspace
  • Table Assignments
  • How we leave a workshop Legacy - Andrew Haveles

9:00 am Table discussions - Cailin Huyck Orr

9:30 Panel 1. Teaching using data (Sarah Cadieux, Laurie Anderson, Tammy Bravo, Tom Anderson)- Catherine O'Reilly facilitating

10:40 Break

11:00 Panel 2: Teaching quantitative reasoning (Megan Kelly, Walter Szeliga, Victor Ricchezza, Desiree Lonon)

Post-Panel Reflection:

12:00-1:00 Lunch - Sign up for dinner on the town tonight - sign up sheets in the Larson room

1:00 - 2:15: Activity: Using data to develop skills, literacy, and reasoning in real-world issues - Catherine O'Reilly lead

  • You will be able to explore how working with large datasets can contribute to quantitative reasoning. In working through this activity, you will also be able to reflect on the perspective that a student might have. You will need a laptop computer with internet connectivity and Excel, R or other data analysis software.
  • Using Data Through the Eyes of a Student Activity

2:15- Short break and reconvene in working groups

2:30-4:00: Break out sessions: Identifying barriers and generating solutions

  • Teaching Intro for Majors Course - Workspace - Room 231
  • Two Year Institutions - Workspace - Room 230
  • Large Classes/Non-majors Classes - Workspace - Room 236 (current room)
  • Using Computing in Teaching - Workspace - Room 236 (current room)
  • Upper Division Courses - Workspace - Room 236 (current room)

4:00 Gallery Walk report out from breakout groups

4:30: Keynote Presentation II: "Using real-world data in teaching about Earth to develop quantitative reasoning"

    by Carl Boettiger, UC Berkeley, (Virtual)
    Introduction by Catherine O'Reilly

5:30: End of Day remarks - Cailin Huyck Orr

ROAD CHECK - closed

7:00 Dinner on the town

June 13

Complimentary breakfast at the hotel

Other options walking distance include Brick Oven Bakery, Goodbye Blue Monday coffeehouse ( This site may be offline. ) , Tandem Bagels, and The Tavern (Coffee and tea will be available in the workshop space).

8:30 am: Opening and goals for the day - Cailin Huyck Orr

  • About the video

8:35 Breakout groups: Key aspects for developing quantitative reasoning using large datasets and real-world problems

9:30 Introduction to the existing Project EDDIE modules - Catherine O'Reilly

Existing Project EDDIE modules

10:00 Filling needs with EDDIE modules activity - Andrew Haveles

10:15 Keynote Presentation III: "Meeting the 21st century demand for data intensive science skills using a blended classroom approach"

    by Leah Wasser, Earth Analytics Education Initiative UC-Boulder (Virtual)
    Introduction by Catherine O'Reilly

11:00 Group discussion and synthesis - Cailin Huyck Orr

11:30 Invitation to join the community - Dax Soule


12:00: Working lunch - box lunches

Consider spending this time to:

  • Talk with a colleague you haven't had a chance to connect with yet
  • Finish your 'filling a need' activity from this morning
  • Write down two things you will do when you get home related to what you learned at this workshop
  • Review the Group Synthesis Page and add your own thoughts and comments to the discussion thread
  • Look at the application for the October 28-30 module development workshop.

1:00 adjourn

Shuttles to the airport

Participants are welcome to stay longer in the afternoon