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EDDIE in the Classroom
Teaching Materials
Project EDDIE
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EDDIE Webinars
Learn to integrate NEON data into your undergraduate classroom via Macrosystems EDDIE and other resources
Webinar Evaluation
Webinar: Learn to integrate NEON data into your undergraduate classroom via Macrosystems EDDIE and other resources
Webinar Survey
Webinar Content
What aspects of the webinar were the most valuable for you? And why?
Least valuable and why?
How do you plan on making use of what you learned from the webinar?
What Project EDDIE topics or any other topics you would you like to see offered in the NAGT webinar series? Please provide any additional comments suggestions related to this Project EDDIE webinar and the NAGT webinar series.
Can we follow up with you to improve the webinar series and webinar offerings?
Please offer any comments or suggestions about any aspect of this webinar.
How did you learn about this webinar?
Webinar Implementation
The design of the webinar facilitated exchange of expertise among participants.
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3-Tend to agree
2-Tend to disagree
The technology allowed for communication during the session.
Choose one:
4 - Agree
3 - Tend to agree
2 - Tend to disagree
1 - Disagree
The webinar was well facilitated.
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4 - Agree
3 - Tend to agree
2 - Tend to disagree
1 - Disagree
Please indicate your current satisfaction with this webinar by selecting the appropriate number.
Choose one:
10 - Very Satisfied
1 - Very Dissatisfied
Comments to explain your rating:
Project EDDIE
Teaching Materials
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News & Events
EDDIE Webinars
Creating a Course that Uses EDDIE Modules
Learn to integrate NEON data into your undergraduate classroom via Macrosystems EDDIE and other resources
Using EDDIE modules for the first time - What you need to know
Webinar: Using time series data in the classroom
Webinar: Adapt EDDIE Modules to Meet Student Needs
Meet the Author: Engaging students in physical oceanography through data analyses
Webinar: Developing students' quantitative reasoning skills using large datasets and EDDIE modules
Webinar: Helping students critically evaluate data
Assessing Quantitative Reasoning
Improving statistical skills through storytelling
Meet the Author: Exploring the Drivers of Change in Plants through Data, Customizing for Introductory and Upper Level Classes
Meet the Author: Teaching Climate Change with Data in Your Introductory Course
R Studio for everyone - How to teach and use RStudio Cloud in the Classroom
The Green Infrastructure EDDIE Module: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Developing Student Problem Solving Skills
Understanding the threat to biodiversity and how to prioritize conservation using geospatial tools
Using Real Data to Teach Climate Change in the Era of Fake News
Webinar: Developing and Implementing EDDIE Teaching Modules
Webinar: Measuring Sustainability? Teaching Sustainability Using GAPMinder
EDDIE Workshops
About this Project