Learn to integrate NEON data into your undergraduate classroom via Macrosystems EDDIE and other resources
This even occurred on Wednesday, March 4th, 2020
Megan Jones
Research Scientist, Science Educator
Cayelan Carey
Associate Professor
Virginia Tech
Project EDDIE, Macrosystems
EDDIE Webinar 2020_03_04_merged.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 24.1MB Mar4 20)
GMT20200304-155923_Project-ED.txt (Text File 2kB Mar4 20)
Macrosystems ecology recently emerged as a new sub-discipline of ecology to study how populations, communities, and ecosystems interact at different spatial and temporal scales around the globe. The National Science Foundation's National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a continental-scale observation facility designed to collect long-term open access ecological data to study how ecosystems across the U.S. are changing, using a macrosystems-level perspective. To better prepare the next generation of ecologists to conduct macrosystems-level ecology, educators across the U.S. are starting to integrate NEON data into their undergraduate and graduate curriculum. Participants in this webinar will learn how to integrate NEON data into their own classrooms, through Macrosystems EDDIE (Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry & Exploration; MacrosystemsEDDIE.org) teaching modules, other NEON teaching modules, and through independent use of NEON data.
This webinar is part of the NAGT Webinar Series and the full webinar schedule is available.
Webinar Goals

- Know which Macrosystems EDDIE and/or NEON teaching modules could apply to their classes.
- Describe the breath of NEON data that they may be interested in using for teaching and/or research.
- Be able to access NEON data through the online data portal web interface, the API, or via the R computing environment (or know where to get the resources to learn how to).
- Know how they can contribute to development and testing of Macrosystems EDDIE and NEON teaching materials.
- Project EDDIE: Macrosystems
- NEON Teaching Modules: Designed to be instructor led
- NEON Data Tutorials: Designed for online learning, adaptable to classroom use
- Getting Started with NEON Data
- The webinar will focus on using NEON data and Project EDDIE resources in an educational setting. If you have little familiarity with NEON, please watch the 5-minute video below to provide an introduction.