Building a Portfolio of Teaching and Service

Thursday 1:30pm-4:00pm TSU - Lawson: 107 B
Afternoon Mini Workshop


Cody Kirkpatrick, Indiana University-Bloomington
Megan Plenge, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This workshop is designed for faculty members who need to illustrate their teaching and service contributions for hiring, retention, or promotion. Our workshop will provide a template for organizing, expanding, and reflecting on artifacts that demonstrate excellence in teaching and service with the goal of constructing a portfolio. Workshop time will be allocated to outlining a template for portfolio construction, tutorials on the construction of evidence-based artifacts, (e.g., how to show evidence of learning outcomes), networking/group discussion, and independent work time.


By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Identify criteria that individual departments/universities use to evaluate teaching and service
  • Develop a plan for collecting and organizing artifacts that demonstrate teaching and service contributions
  • Outline or draft a reflective teaching statement that contextualizes artifact, student evaluations, and peer evaluations


1:30 Welcome and introductions

1:45 Brainstorming activity: Defining excellence in teaching

  • How do you know someone is an "excellent" instructor?
    • What would the following groups use as evidence of teaching efficacy?
      • Peers in your field
      • Peers outside your field
      • Students
      • Administration
      • Self (including how your evidence fits into your own teaching philosophy)
      • "Objective" measures?
  • How can artifacts demonstrating teaching efficacy (from any or all of the groups above) be used to clearly illustrate you contributions to your department and/or university

1:55 Instructor tutorials/examples: Showing evidence of learning outcomes

2:10 Participants work on showing evidence of learning outcomes in their courses:

  • Writing/identifying learning objectives for their course
  • Writing/identifying assessments that align with these learning objectives
  • (If objectives and assessments have already been done in class) analyzing and contextualizing data

2:30 Instructor tutorials/examples: Collecting student survey data on specific course practices and attitudes towards geoscience

2:40 Participants work on developing survey questions appropriate to the platform they wish to use

2:55 Instructor tutorials/examples: Contextualizing course evaluations

3:05 Participants work on worksheet: "Unpacking and Acting on Course Evaluations"

3:20 Participants are given a skeleton outline to fill out that helps organize evidence from first 3 parts of workshop into a structured teaching portfolio, and work on filling out the outline and/or drafting a reflective teaching statement to include in the portfolio

  • List of developed courses (with syllabi or objectives &/or aligned assessment questions)
  • Are students in your course learning what you want them to learn? (from Pt 1 of workshop)
  • Are students in your course changing their attitudes/beliefs regarding geosciences? (from Pt 2 of workshop)
  • Are students enjoying your course and are they likely to recommend the course to their peers? (from Pt 3 of workshop)
  • Reflective statement: How have you improved your teaching by looking at these metrics? What are you still changing/improving based on these metrics?

3:40 Group discussion: other metrics that could/should be included

3:50 Wrap-up and Workshop evaluation

4:00 Adjourn


Presentation Slides from Today (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB Jul18 19)

Various Promotion Dossier Guides and Memos

Today's Handouts and Worksheets

Building a Portfolio of Teaching and Service -- Discussion  

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