Building a Portfolio of Teaching and Service
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Identify criteria that individual departments/universities use to evaluate teaching and service
- Develop a plan for collecting and organizing artifacts that demonstrate teaching and service contributions
- Outline or draft a reflective teaching statement that contextualizes artifact, student evaluations, and peer evaluations
1:30 Welcome and introductions
1:45 Brainstorming activity: Defining excellence in teaching
- How do you know someone is an "excellent" instructor?
- What would the following groups use as evidence of teaching efficacy?
- Peers in your field
- Peers outside your field
- Students
- Administration
- Self (including how your evidence fits into your own teaching philosophy)
- "Objective" measures?
- What would the following groups use as evidence of teaching efficacy?
- How can artifacts demonstrating teaching efficacy (from any or all of the groups above) be used to clearly illustrate you contributions to your department and/or university
1:55 Instructor tutorials/examples: Showing evidence of learning outcomes
2:10 Participants work on showing evidence of learning outcomes in their courses:
- Writing/identifying learning objectives for their course
- Writing/identifying assessments that align with these learning objectives
- (If objectives and assessments have already been done in class) analyzing and contextualizing data
2:30 Instructor tutorials/examples: Collecting student survey data on specific course practices and attitudes towards geoscience
2:40 Participants work on developing survey questions appropriate to the platform they wish to use
2:55 Instructor tutorials/examples: Contextualizing course evaluations
3:05 Participants work on worksheet: "Unpacking and Acting on Course Evaluations"
3:20 Participants are given a skeleton outline to fill out that helps organize evidence from first 3 parts of workshop into a structured teaching portfolio, and work on filling out the outline and/or drafting a reflective teaching statement to include in the portfolio
- List of developed courses (with syllabi or objectives &/or aligned assessment questions)
- Are students in your course learning what you want them to learn? (from Pt 1 of workshop)
- Are students in your course changing their attitudes/beliefs regarding geosciences? (from Pt 2 of workshop)
- Are students enjoying your course and are they likely to recommend the course to their peers? (from Pt 3 of workshop)
- Reflective statement: How have you improved your teaching by looking at these metrics? What are you still changing/improving based on these metrics?
3:40 Group discussion: other metrics that could/should be included
3:50 Wrap-up and Workshop evaluation
4:00 Adjourn
Presentation Slides from Today (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB Jul18 19)
Various Promotion Dossier Guides and Memos
- Indiana University-Bloomington, College of Arts & Sciences (Acrobat (PDF) 40kB Jul12 19)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Acrobat (PDF) 164kB Jul12 19)
- University of Toronto (Acrobat (PDF) 4MB Jul12 19)
Today's Handouts and Worksheets
- Documenting Evidence of Learning Outcomes (Acrobat (PDF) 54kB Jul12 19)
- Unpacking Course Evaluations - Coding Practice (Acrobat (PDF) 80kB Jul12 19)
- A Model Dossier for a Teaching Portfolio (Acrobat (PDF) 84kB Jul18 19)
- Peer Teaching Evaluation (Acrobat (PDF) 96kB Jul18 19)
- Model Learning Objectives and Assessment Questions (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Jul18 19)