Pre-Meeting Work

Please complete the pre-meeting work by April 30, 2018.

1. Update your center profile.

If you do not yet have a Center Profile, use the submission form to create one. If you need help accessing your existing profile or completing a new one, email John McDaris in the SERC office and he can assist you.

2. Upload information about your communication strategies

Use the form below to upload either a 1-page communication document that your center uses to talk about its work or a short essay about how your center communicates its mission and vision to stakeholders, partners, and funders. These materials will be used in the structure of the working meeting and become part of a public collection on the NSEC website.

Submit Communication Strategies Information

Use the link below to upload a short communication document that your center uses to talk about its work. This should be something like a "1-pager" rather than an extended report.

Use the space below to submit a short essay about strategies your center uses to communicate its mission and vision to its various stakeholders, partners, and funders. The essay can be as long as you like (the box will accept any amount of text) but please ensure you discuss who your main audiences are and what the messages you are working to covey to those audiences.

Note: If you leave this page without clicking the SUBMIT button, anything you have entered into the text box will be lost. You may wish to compose your essay in a word processor and paste it into the box when you are ready to submit.

Does your "1-pager" or essay speak specifically to one or more of these topics for the working meeting?

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