Wednesday, June 6
2:00 PM Welcome and Introductions - Noah and Cailin - NSEC 2018 Welcome (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Jun6 18)
2:20 PM Vision for the Meeting and Outcomes - Cailin
- To share ideas and resources across institutions for moving centers forward
- To develop a community-generated resource of effective practices for NSEC centers that can be shared with the broader community
- To build a sense of community among participants and demonstrate a network-wide effort
2:30 PM Conversations about communication plans/essays (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 63kB Jun6 18) - John
3:00 PM Instructions for the Break Out Groups - Cailin and John
Participant list with group assignments
3:15 PM First set of Break Outs (1. Hayes, 2. Harding, 3. Grant, 4. Garfield, and 5. Harrison)
- Using communication to gain support for center programming (Scott, Steimle)
- Using communication to increase visibility of centers' importance on campus (Carlisle, Shusterman)
- Using communication to support participation of people from groups historically under-represented in STEM (Orr, McDaris)
- Using communication to build networks of partner entities both inside and outside the institution (Llewellyn)
- Using communication strategies to impact policy decisions (Finklestein)
5:15 PM Table Group Reflections and Daily Roadcheck - in breakout rooms
- Write down something you learned
- Write down one thing that surprised you
5:30 PM Break
6:00 PM Reception
Thursday, June 7
8:00 AM Overview and Charge for the Day - Cailin
8:15 AM Second set of Break Outs (1. Hayes, 2. Harding, 3. Grant, 4. Garfield, and 5. Harrison)
- Using communication to gain support for center programming (Scott, Steimle)
- Using communication to increase visibility of centers' importance on campus (Carlisle, Shusterman)
- Using communication to support participation of people from groups historically under-represented in STEM (Orr, McDaris)
- Using communication to build networks of partner entities both inside and outside the institution (Llewellyn)
- Using communication strategies to impact policy decisions (Finklestein)
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM Gallery Walk - virtually using discussion threads
11:15 PM Return to Wednesday evening groups to synthesize comments from both break outs and the gallery walk. (1. Hayes, 2. Harding, 3. Grant, 4. Garfield, and 5. Harrison)
- Prepare for report out
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Quick reports from break out groups via the website pages - John
1:15 PM Whole Group Discussion/Synthesis of outcomes - Cailin
- What have you learned about communication?
- What surprised you?
- Any other big ideas for the group or the synthesis?
- Components of all communication
- Knowing your audience and being flexible and adaptive
- Include all your partners and message differentially
- Seek out feedback to make sure you're being clear, especially to a new audience
- Use students to help communicate through multimedia/social media
- Potential partners include campus stakeholders; external community; K12; local, state, and federal government; donors; federal agencies
- tailor communication to constituent
- use member from constituent for feedback on communication prior to sending
- Marketing
- central, local community, social media, list-servs, contract
- Math readiness came up multiple times
- Centers may feel like they are competitive with each other and need to address that and move toward collaboration
- Where we are in a center lifecycle may inform our communication - update.
- work on teaching evaluations.
- collaborate with unit stakeholders
- develop for assessments leading to changes in the summative faculty evaluation
- Workforce development and job placement is part of our expanding mission and there is pressure for 'us' to produce workforce ready graduates. This is something we should be responsive to. There are resources available in this area.
- Caveat - broad terms for workforce. Students also need competencies that will take them through work transitions later in their life. Including in this just in time learning. Need a long term vision for students
- Internship models pedagogicaly sound with evaluation - can broker the education and workforce components of student education. Reflection piece important - Metacognition
- There is value in supporting life long learner skills with students. How to leverage effective strategies to make this happen for students. More people on campus may be involved. Students need this daylighted for them in their experience.
- Broad theme across groups: We can communicate to break down barriers, translate, filter, plant seeds, because of where we are as centers on our campuses.
- Noah will lead an effort to make a 1-pager about NSEC that can be used as one side of a 2-pager for our own centers. He's looking for volunteers for help.
1:45 PM Individual Action Planning and End of Workshop Evaluation
2:00 PM Segue into the rest of the conference; Message for everyone that wasn't at the working meeting. (Noah)
- What are we carrying forward into the rest of the conference?
Comment? Start the discussion about Program