Workshop 2013: Creating a National Network of STEM Education Centers
During the summer of 2013, we invited STEM Education Centers to join the national discussion and fill out a survey. We now have more than 50 profiles of centers and programs on this website; please visit our center profiles page.

- Center directors can join our email list by contacting Kacy Redd.
- Complete the center profile survey.
Workshop participants were notified of their selection on August 9. The workshop will be held in St. Louis on September 15-16.
This workshop for current leaders of STEM Education Centers will build on the survey results gathered this summer to enable:
- Sharing of available evidence and best practices about the impacts of centers on STEM undergraduate teaching and learning
- New understanding of the national landscape of STEM Education Centers
- A plan for enhanced communication among STEM Centers nation wide, perhaps including a national conference.
Workshop Agenda
Workshop Conveners
Noah Finkelstein (University of Colorado Boulder) - Co-Chair
Cathryn A. Manduca (Carleton College, SERC) - Co-Chair
Donna Gerardi Riordan - Project Director
Planning Committee Members
Steven Case, PhD, Director, Center for STEM Learning, University of Kansas
Laird Kramer, PhD, Director, STEM Transformational Institute, Florida International University
Robert Mathieu, PhD, Director, CIRTL Network, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Nalini Nadkarni, PhD, Director, Center for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Utah
Ann Marie VanDerZanden, PhD, Director, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Iowa State University
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is funding this project, and it is being organized by a planning committee convened by APLU ( This site may be offline. ) .