Initial Publication Date: May 18, 2022

NSEC Webinar: Center Roles in Undergraduate STEM Education: A Guide for Self-Evaluation

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 9:00 - 10:30 am PT | 10:00 - 11:30 am MT | 11:00 - 12:30 pm CT | 12:00 - 1:30 pm ET

Zoom recording is here.

PDF of presentation is here.


We are excited to share the Center Roles in Undergraduate STEM Education: A Guide for Self-Evaluation with the NSEC community! This publication provides a guide for STEM Education Centers (SECs) and Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs) to carry out a self-assessment process focusing on their roles in undergraduate STEM education. The guide and The Model for Center Practices in Undergraduate STEM Education developed and authored by Dr. Deborah Carlisle, is informed by research carried out at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, as part of an APLU and NSF-funded project for NSEC by Dr. Gabriela C. Weaver and Dr. Deborah L. Carlisle. As part of the culmination of this research, we offer this guide to support the NSEC community, and the center community broadly, in their mission to improve undergraduate education.

Since this is such a rich resource for centers, we are providing a guided tour of the Guide. Please join Debbie and some of your center colleagues as they unveil this invaluable tool for centers. 


This webinar is designed to support STEM Education Centers and Centers for Teaching in Learning in the evaluation process of their centers. We welcome center directors, associate directors, staff, and faculty, who are seeking information regarding how to successfully evaluate the work of their center. Additionally, we invite all individuals associated with STEM education programming, research, and services that pertain to a college or university center.


  • This webinar is designed to support STEM Education Centers and Centers for Teaching in Learning in their mission to improve undergraduate education. 
  • We will provide an overview of the ways in which these resources can be used to explore and evaluate areas of strength and opportunity for centers who work in the undergraduate space.
  • To introduce The Model for Center Practices in Undergraduate STEM Education as a framework to facilitate the use of these self-assessment resources.


  • Deborah Carlisle, Post-Doctoral Research Associate at UMass Amherst and Instructor of Biology at Williams College
  • Jennifer Frederick, Executive Director of the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Ken Griffith, Assistant Director of the Teaching, Learning & Professional Development Center (TLPDC) and Director of the STEP Program in the TLPDC, and Instructor in Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University. 
  • Shanna Shaked, Senior Associate Director, Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences at UCLA




Deborah Carlisle is an Instructor in the Biology Department at Williams College in Williamstown MA, and will be part of the newly established Center for Teaching and Learning in the Fall of 2022. As a post-doctoral research scholar Deborah was the lead researcher for the Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC), where she worked across the national landscape with directors and staff of STEM Education Centers and Centers for Teaching and Learning.  Deborah is currently a member of the NSF-funded TEval team, Transforming Higher Education: Multidimensional Evaluation of Teaching, NSF: IUSE Award #1725946, at UMass Amherst.

Jennifer Frederick is the Executive Director of the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. Following faculty teaching appointments at both public and private universities in Connecticut, Jenny returned to Yale in 2007 as Associate Director and Science Education Specialist at the Graduate Teaching Center. She went on to assume positions of increasing responsibility within the University, including Director of the Center for Scientific Teaching, where she has advanced a national effort to transform undergraduate science teaching at colleges and universities across the United States. She is the PI on an award from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to support a national STEM faculty development initiative. 

Ken Griffith is the Assistant Director of the Teaching, Learning & Professional Development Center (TLPDC) at Texas Tech University, and is the Director of the STEP Program in the TLPDC. He is also co-appointed in the Department of Biological Sciences at TTU. Ken has peer-reviewed publications in both scientific and education journals and has served as co-investigator on projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Ken is a Fellow in the STEM Center for Outreach, Research and Education (STEM CORE) at TTU and is a 2022 recipient of the President's Excellence in Teaching Award at Texas Tech. Nationally, Ken has served in leadership roles in the POD Network STEM Special Interest Group and is a member of the NSEC Steering Committee.

Shanna Shaked is the Senior Associate Director of UCLA's CEILS and the founding director of UCLA's interdisciplinary undergraduate Learning Assistant program to promote active learning and inclusivity in large lecture courses, enhancing learning for more than 5,000 students per quarter. Having done research in physics, sustainability, astronomy, and education, she has supported hundreds of faculty and multiple curricular revisions in building quantitative STEM skills in more equitable and inclusive ways. She is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in UCLA's Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and a member of the NSEC Steering Committee.


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