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On the limits of the Inverse SURFOR Wheel in fabric analysis
Gary Solar, SUNY Buffalo State University

Session: Cutting edge research in structural geology geophysics geochemistry and tectonics

Lawsonite Microstructures and Fabric Development at the Slab-Mantle Interface

Session: Cutting edge research in structural geology geophysics geochemistry and tectonics

The development of out-of-sequence thrusts in mountain belts: Insights from physical models and image correlation.

Session: Cutting edge research in structural geology geophysics geochemistry and tectonics

Intraplate Fault Records >400 ka of Time-Dependent Earthquakes Punctuated by Clustered Seismicity
Randy Williams, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Session: Quantifying rates of slip

Analog modeling of fault asperity kinematics using a modified squeezebox design and wax media
Matty Mookerjee, Sonoma State University

Session: Localization processes within the lithosphere

Formation of Plagioclase-Al2SiO5 Coronas on Quartz Inclusions in Garnet During Transtensional Exhumation of High-pressure High-temperature Metamorphic Rock
Howell Bosbyshell, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Session: Development of tectonic microstructures