Initial Publication Date: January 5, 2014

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Forum Overview

This Forum will provide an informal and interactive venue for discussing important frontiers, new ideas, and current research in structural geology and tectonics. The Forum will also provide opportunities to discuss effective teaching of structural geology and tectonics, including integrating research with teaching. Funding has been provided by the National Science Foundation and by the Structural Geology and Tectonics Division of GSA.

Format and dates

Technical sessions: The three days of the main Forum (June 16-18) will follow the format of the previous meetings, with each half day devoted to a critical topic addressed with a keynote, several short talks, and poster presentations. The general schedule for the meeting illustrates the format. We will post a more detailed program as the Forum approaches. The main Forum program will be build around abstracts solicited from participants.

Field trips and workshops: Optional workshops and field trips will take place on the two days prior to the Forum (June 14 & 15) and on the two days following the Forum (June 19 & 20). The general schedule shows when each field trip and workshop will take place. If you wish to participate in a field trip or a workshop, you must pre-register (see below).

Arrival and departure: All days of the Forum, including optional workshop and field trip days, begin at 8:00 am and end at 5:30 pm. Please plan your travel so that you arrive the evening before the first event that you wish to attend and leave after the last event has concluded.

Registration and abstract deadlines

Registration deadline is May 2, 2014. Although the Forum is aimed at professional geologists, we encourage advanced graduate students to attend. You must register on line (opens in a new window).

Abstract deadline is May 2, 2014. All abstracts (one per person) will likely be accepted, and most will be given as posters. The program committee will select a small number for the oral sessions. You are not required to submit an abstract in order to attend the meeting. You must submit your abstract on line.

If you have questions, please contact Yvette Kuiper (

Logistics and costs

Location and facilities: The Forum will be held at Colorado School of Mines, which is located in Golden.

Travel: Participants or their home institutions must cover lodging plus travel to and from the workshop. The nearest airport is Denver International Airport.

Lodging: We will offer a low-cost option to stay in the dorms at Colorado School of Mines. Lodging, including meals, will be $80/day for a single room or $70/day for a double room. Participants who are local or who have made other lodging arrangements can purchase a meal card only for $31/day or buy meals on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Registration for the Forum, field trips, and workshops/short courses is free, thanks to funding from NSF and a donation from the GSA Structural Geology and Tectonics Division. Travel stipends are available to support the attendance of US participants who have limited/no access to travel funds or who are from underrepresented groups. If you wish to apply for assistance, you will do so using the online registration form (opens in a new window). Funds will be distributed by the Finance Committee.

Forum contacts

Forum Organizers: Yvette Kuiper and Chuck Kluth (Colorado School of Mines)

Steering Committee: Paul Karabinos (Williams College) and Basil Tikoff (University of Wisconsin)

Technical Sessions: Katherine Boggs (Mount Royal University) and Christie Rowe (McGill University)

Field Trips: Eric Erslev (Colorado State University)

Short Course/Workshops: John Weber (Grand Valley State University)

Events and web: Barbara Tewksbury (Hamilton College)

Logistics: Wes Buchanan and Ben Frieman (Colorado School of Mines)

Registration: Mary Carr (Colorado School of Mines)

Finance Committee: Hal Bosbyshell (West Chester University), Emily Peterman (Bowdoin College) and Saad Haq (Purdue University)

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