Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop Program
Participant Workspace »

Sunday, July 28, 2019
5:00-5:30 Welcome, Check In and Introductions, Atrium Room 1107, Stamp Student Union
5:30-6:30 Dinner
6:30-9:00 Strategic Decisions: Elements of a successful career and a satisfying life - Tessa Hill, Sarah Penniston-Dorland, and Josh Galster
Monday, July 29
7:00-8:30 Breakfast, Cambria Hotel
8:45-9:00 Announcements and Setting Goals, Stamp Student Union, Atrium Room 1107
9:00-10:40 Course Design, Atrium Room 1107 - Kaatje Kraft and Martin Wong
10:40-11:00 Break, Atrium Room 1107
11:00-12:00 Teaching Strategies: Concurrent Sessions I-a, Stamp Student Union

During concurrent sessions I-a and I-b, participants will choose sessions from the lists below:
- Engaging Students in Large Classes, Margaret Brent B 2112 - Andrew Goodliffe and Josh Galster
- Interdisciplinary and Team Taught Courses, Pyon Su Room 2108 - Anantha Aiyyer and Jennifer Anderson

- Teaching Self Regulation for Improved Learning, Margaret Brent A 2112 - Kaatje Kraft
- Open Educational Resources, Atrium Room 1107 - Ben Laabs and Carol Ormand
12:00-1:15 Lunch, catered, in Atrium 1107
Sharing Ideas about Specific Courses (optional)

1:15-2:15 Teaching Strategies: Concurrent Sessions I-b, Stamp Student Union
- Engaging Students in Large Classes, Margaret Brent B 2112 - Andrew Goodliffe and Josh Galster
- Interdisciplinary and Team Taught Courses, Pyon Su Room 2108 - Anantha Aiyyer and Jennifer Anderson

- Student Writing and Learning, Atrium Room 1107 - Cynthia Hall and Kaatje Kraft
- Hybrid, Online and Flipped Classes, Margaret Brent A 2112 - Ben Laabs and Tessa Hill
2:25-3:45 Lesson Design: Preparing for a class period, Atrium Room 1107 - Cynthia Hall
3:45-4:00 Break
4:00-5:00 Introduction to the Poster Activity, Atrium Room 1107 - Cynthia Hall and Kaatje Kraft

5:00-5:15 Overview of Individual Consultations and Daily Roadcheck, Atrium Room 1107
Individual consultation topics - link goes to private participant workspace
Dinner on your own (options near UMD))
Tuesday, July 30
7:00-8:30 Breakfast, Cambria Hotel
8:45-9:00 Report From Yesterday's Roadchecks; Introduction to Your Research/Scholarly Career, Stamp Student Union, Atrium Room 1107
9:00-10:00 Working Effectively with Students: Different Models, Atrium Room 1107 - Tessa Hill and Josh Galster
10:00-10:20 Break, Atrium Room 1107
10:20-11:20 Strategies for Research and Scholarship: Concurrent Sessions II-a, Stamp Student Union
During concurrent sessions II-a and II-b, participants will choose sessions from the lists below:
- Research with Undergraduates, Margaret Brent A 2112 - Martin Wong and Jennifer Anderson

- Starting New Research Projects and Building Collaborations, Atrium Room 1107 - Ben Laabs and Sarah Penniston-Dorland
- Recruiting Graduate Students, Pyon Su Room 2108 - Andrew Goodliffe and Anantha Aiyyer
- Educational Research on Teaching: Integrating your Research and Teaching Programs, Margaret Brent B 2112 - Kaatje Kraft
11:30-12:30 Strategies for Research and Scholarship: Concurrent Sessions II-b, Stamp Student Union

- Research with Undergraduates, Margaret Brent A 2112 - Martin Wong and Jennifer Anderson
- Starting New Research Projects and Building Collaborations, Atrium Room 1107 - Ben Laabs and Sarah Penniston-Dorland
- Setting the Scope for M.S. Research Projects, Pyon Su Room 2108 -Josh Galster and Anantha Aiyyer

- Mentoring PhD Students, Margaret Brent B 2112 - Tessa Hill and Andrew Goodliffe
12:30-2:00 Lunch with Optional Interest Group Discussions, Atrium Room 1107 (many options in Stamp Student Union; also options near UMD)
2:00-3:00 Connections, Extensions, Opportunities: Concurrent Sessions III-a, Stamp Student Union
During concurrent sessions III-a and III-b, participants will choose sessions from the lists below:
- Time Management, Atrium Room 1107 - Martin Wong and Cynthia Hall
- Bringing Data/Research into the Classroom, Margaret Brent A 2112 - Josh Galster and Jennifer Anderson

- Managing Service Expectations, Pyon Su Room 2108 - Sarah Penniston-Dorland and Anantha Aiyyer
- Supporting Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom, Margaret Brent B 2112 - Kaatje Kraft and Tessa Hill
3:00-3:20 Break, Atrium Room 1107
3:20-4:20 Connections, Extensions, Opportunities: Concurrent Sessions III-b, Stamp Student Union
- Time Management, Atrium Room 1107 - Martin Wong and Cynthia Hall

- Bringing Data/Research into the Classroom, Margaret Brent A 2112 - Josh Galster and Jennifer Anderson
- Mentoring Diverse Students, Pyon Su Room 2108 -Kaatje Kraft and Andrew Goodliffe
- Communicating Science to the Public, Margaret Brent B 2112 -Tessa Hill and Ben Laabs

4:20-4:30 Daily Roadcheck, Atrium Room 1107
4:40-7:00 optional Individual consultations
Individual consultation topics - link goes to private participant workspace
7:00-8:00 Catered Dinner, Atrium Room 1107
Wednesday, July 31
7:00-8:30 Breakfast, Cambria Hotel
8:45-9:00 Report From Yesterday's Roadchecks and Preview of Today's Sessions, Atrium Room 1107
9:00-10:25 Creating a Strategic Plan for Research/Scholarly Activity, Atrium Room 1107 - Andrew Goodliffe and Cynthia Hall
10:25-10:45 Break, Atrium Room 1107
10:45-12:00 Writing Proposals and Getting Funded: Concurrent Sessions IV, Stamp Student Union
- Writing Your First NSF-Style Proposal, Atrium Room 1107 - Tessa Hill and Sarah Penniston-Dorland

- Dealing with Rejections and Revisions (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 238kB Jul31 19), Margaret Brent A 2112 - Anantha Aiyyer and Cynthia Hall
- Writing Proposals and Getting Funded at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution, Margaret Brent B 2112 - Martin Wong and Jennifer Anderson
12:00-1:30 Lunch catered, Atrium Room 1107
Optional Session: Financial Planning for your Future
This session will focus on the best practices and crucial steps you need to take to build a strong financial foundation. We will discuss the importance of goal setting; getting the most out of your savings both inside and outside of work; maximization of the tax-control triangle; avoiding common investment pitfalls and the significance of 'values' investing.
The session will be led by Geoff Galster, CFP. Geoff, a financial advisor with fourteen years' experience in the industry, who works with the Bump Financial Group in downtown Washington, D.C. where they focus on comprehensive financial planning and asset management.

1:30-3:50 Moving Your Research and Teaching Forward: Concurrent Sessions V, Stamp Student Union
Participants will attend one session from the list below, based upon their submission of either a PROPOSAL SUMMARY or TEACHING ACTIVITY:
- Improving Research Proposals Through Review of Your Proposal Summaries, Atrium Room 1107 - Andrew Goodliffe and others. For this session you need to have submitted a proposal summary by June 17.
- Improving Teaching Activities and Assignments Through Review of Your Assignment, Margaret Brent A 2112 - Kaatje Kraft and Cynthia Hall. For this session you need to have submitted a class activity or assignment by June 17. This activity can be one that is still in development stage or one that has been already used in the classroom for which you want feedback.
3:50-4:10 Break, Atrium Room 1107
4:10-4:30 Poster Instructions, Atrium Room 1107 - Carol Ormand and Andrew Goodliffe
Instructions and examples of posters from previous years
4:30-4:45 Discussion of NSF visit, Atrium Room 1107 - Tessa Hill
4:45-4:50 Group photo, location TBA

5:00-6:45 Roadcheck, Work on Posters, Individual Consultations, Atrium Room 1107
Individual consultation topics - link goes to private participant workspace
Dinner on your own
Thursday, August 1
7:00-8:30 Breakfast, Cambria Hotel
8:45-11:40 Poster Session, Stamp Student Union, Atrium Room 1107
11:40-12:00 Poster Follow-up and Reflection, Atrium Room 1107
12:00-1:45 Lunch (many options in Stamp Student Union)
1:45-2:45 Building a Network of Support, Atrium Room 1107 - Tessa Hill and Sarah Penniston-Dorland
2:50-4:50 Strategic Action Planning, Atrium Room 1107

4:50-5:10 Break, Atrium Room 1107
5:10-6:00 Lessons Learned, Concluding Remarks, and Workshop Evaluation, Atrium Room 1107 - Tessa Hill, Sarah Penniston-Dorland, and Josh Galster
7:00-8:00 Closing Dinner, Atrium Room 1107
Friday, August 2
Optional Visit to the National Science Foundation