Initial Publication Date: June 20, 2019

Example Posters and Instructions

Reminder of Goals

The purposes of the poster session is for you all to

  • Share the best ideas you've gotten from this workshop that you plan to implement in your teaching and your research
  • Give you an opportunity to get feedback from your peers and the leaders to refine those ideas

You want to communicate your ideas, but you don't need to make them look pretty. There are pages in your workshop notebook where you can outline your ideas before you make your posters.

  • Teaching poster: 2-23
  • Research/scholarly activity: 4-11

Examples from the 2018 Early Career Workshop

Here are a few photos of posters from the poster session at the 2018 Early Career workshop, showing a range of approaches to poster formats and content.

Claire McLeod

Pinki Mondal

Sarah Lambart

Azah Abanda

from the 2010 Early Career Workshop

Here are a few photos of posters from the poster session at the 2010 Early Career workshop, showing a range of approaches to poster formats and content.

Anne Lightbody

poster 13 poster 14

Jen Piatek

poster 1 poster 2

Lashale Pugh

poster 3 poster 4

Jodi Ryder

poster 5 poster 6

Laurel Senft

poster 7 poster 8

Kyle Straub

poster 9 poster 10

Court Strong

poster 11 poster 12