Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty

Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN

June 23-27, 2024, with an optional virtual visit to NSF

The application deadline has passed.

Join us for a multi-day workshop in a stimulating and resource-rich environment where you will participate in sessions on topics including effective teaching strategies, course design, establishing a research program in a new setting, working with research students, balancing professional and personal responsibilities, and time management. Participants from prior workshops write:

"Meeting other junior faculty who are at a similar career stage and facing similar challenges. This workshop was the first time I was able to talk to another junior faculty member who started their position during the pandemic.""

"The workshop for early career faculty was hands down the most useful and impactful experience I have had in starting my faculty career. It has helped me implement new and effective teaching tools, time management tools, and student management/advising strategies, and has helped me find a network of colleagues that I can turn to for support."

"I attended the Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty in my 2nd year as an assistant professor in an interdisciplinary department with a balanced teaching and research mission. Being in the same room as other early career faculty who had a wide spectrum of academic responsibilities related to the breakdown of teaching-research-service helped me better understand how my academic niche fit in with academia in general, and helped me identify gaps in our educational system that I continue to work on even now."

"The Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty was an amazing and eye-opening experience, and it plugged me into a network that has been incredibly supportive as I have grown in this profession."

"The Early Career workshop helped me start my faculty job off on the right foot and maximize my time and energy. I learned so much and loved the format and supportive environment."

The Early Career Geoscience Faculty workshop is for faculty in their first three years of faculty position, with priority given to applicants entering their second or third years in their position. If you are in the process of applying for tenure-track or other permanent faculty positions, we encourage you to apply to the Preparing for an Academic Career workshop, which is hosted at Earth Educators Rendezvous each year. Participants must have a faculty position at a two-year or four-year college or a university at the time of the workshop and must be in their first three years of teaching or starting a position in the Fall. See the overview page for details.

Workshop Overview »

COVID-19 Policy

Workshop Facilitators

  • Jennifer Anderson, Department of Geoscience, Winona State University
  • Gretchen Miller, Physical Sciences Department, Wake Technical Community College
  • Martin Wong, Department of Geology, Colgate University
  • Clara Chan, Earth Sciences, University of Delaware
  • Mea Cook, Geosciences Department, Williams College
  • Wendi Flynn, Earth and Atmospheric Science, University of Northern Colorado
  • Rory McFadden, Science Education Resource Center (SERC), Carleton College
  • Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Stockton University
  • Jeremy Shakun, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Boston College
  • Myriam Telus, Earth & Planetary Sciences Department, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Christy Till, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University

This workshop is part of the On the Cutting Edge professional development program for current and future geoscience faculty, and is sponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers with funding provided by NAGT, and a grant from the National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education and other contributing sponsors.

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