Workshop Synthesis
Initial Publication Date: June 16, 2011
This page is an attempt to synthesize key take-away messages from the 2011 workshop for Early Career Faculty in the Geosciences.
What We've Learned at this Workshop
- Teaching strategies (i.e. jigsaw, gallery walk)
- Research contracts and/or guidelines for students
- Setting the scope for undergraduate and Masters' level research projects
- Feedback on proposals
- Try to write every day
- How to lead discussions, especially in graduate seminars
- Staking your claim: this is what I'm going to do
- SERC has a wealth of online resources
- It's okay (even good) to take time for ourselves
- We are not alone
- We have a lot of collective wisdom
- Take your iPhone out of your pocket before canoeing
- Enjoyed learning about other people's research plans
- Our senior colleagues want to help us and want to see us succeed
- It's okay to recycle your own work, and you don't need to reinvent the wheel
- Keep trying -- resubmit your declined proposals
How We Can Support Each Other Going Forward
- Set up Google group or other virtual spaces to use for community
- Use the earlycareer11 and EC2011PUI email lists
- Collaborate (in research and in teaching!)
- Invite each other for seminars
- Share our ideas when we see each other (at conferences, etc)
- Give honest criticism
- Ask each other to review proposal summaries (and teaching activity ideas, and ....)
- Point exceptional students to each other
- Informal gatherings at national meetings (lunch?) (self-organized)
- Say hello when we see each other (and remind each other of who we are, when and where we met)
- Form writing accountability groups (writing support groups, writing buddies,....)
- Join ESWN (if you are female): Earth Science Women's Network
- Look for other networks