Initial Publication Date: August 25, 2006

If you have dropped in from somewhere else, you might wish to start with the either the introduction to our Course Design Tutorial itself or the introduction page for faculty professional development for those who want to adapt or adopt our Course Design workshop.

The details of our workshop schedule

For many years, we have offered this workshop over five days, beginning at noon on Day 1 and ending at noon on Day 5, although the workshop length is technically only four total working days. This allows many workshop participants to travel to and from the workshop on Days 1 and 5 without having to be away an additional day.

The workshop schedule presented below is a true four-day version that begins at 8 am on the morning of Day 1 and ends before dinner on Day 4, a schedule that is more suitable for a workshop where participants live nearby. If you are interested in the rationale behind our course design philosophy, you can find information in our Online Course Design Tutorial or in the information for professional developers.

Before beginning, you may wish to download the documents referred to in discussions in this section, including our PowerPoint slides (PowerPoint 1.2MB Mar16 10), the workshop assignment sheets (Acrobat (PDF) 125kB Dec22 05), a detailed workshop schedule for the summer 2005 workshop (Acrobat (PDF) 149kB Jan5 06), the format for final workshop posters (Acrobat (PDF) 19kB Jan5 06), the "daily road check" evaluation form (Acrobat (PDF) 61kB Jan4 06), and the workshop final evaluation form (Acrobat (PDF) 64kB Jan4 06).

In the workshop details below, we refer to "leaders" and "facilitators" separately. The workshop leaders are the people who have organized the workshop and are intimately familiar with the process and objectives. The leaders recruit facilitators to help with the workshop, guide small group discussions, and provide advice and tree-shaking. You can find advice on selecting facilitators here.

Remember also that the Online Course Design Tutorial contains expanded arguments for our course design process plus all of the examples that we use, most of which are not detailed in the PowerPoint slides. We have provided links to the relevant tutorial sections within the schedule details below.

Workshop Day 1

8:00-8:30 Welcome and introductions
8:30-10:15 Articulating course context and initial draft of overarching goals 10:30-12:00 Feedback on initial draft of overarching goals; first revision of overarching goals 1:00-2:00 Small group work on goals 2:00-2:20 Setting ancillary skills goals 2:20-3:15 Choosing content to achieve overarching goals 3:30-5:00 Individual work on overarching, ancillary skills, and content goals; consultations and optional small group meetings

Workshop Day 2

8:00-10:15 Teaching tools workshop
10:30-12:00 Individual work time to develop a course plan and assignments; optional consultations 1:00-5:00 Sequential 40-minute sessions on teaching strategies; optional work time and consultations

Workshop Day 3

8:00-10:00 Individual work time and small group meetings; consultations
10:15-12:00 Session on assessment 1:00-2:30 Individual work time and consultations 2:30-5:00 Concurrent optional coaching sessions on how to design specific types of assignments

Workshop Day 4

8:30-12:00 Individual work time, poster preparation, and consultations; final posters up before lunch; optional session on running course design workshops
1:00-3:30 Three sequential poster sessions 3:30-4:00 Plan of action 4:00-5:00 Description of workshop follow-up; workshop wrap-up and evaluation
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©2005 On-line Course Design Workshop and Tutorial developed by Dr. Barbara J. Tewksbury (Hamilton College) and Dr. R. Heather Macdonald (College of William and Mary) as part of the program On the Cutting Edge, funded by NSF grant DUE-0127310.