Designing Effective and Innovative Courses

course design workshop participant in thought
Finding the time, energy, and inspiration to develop a new course or to re-design an existing course is a challenge for faculty. Join us for a 4-day (two part) online workshop that will be designed to help you make significant progress toward designing or re-designing an effective and innovative undergraduate course in the geosciences. Although many of the faculty in this workshop will be from the geosciences, we welcome applicants in any discipline.

Note: This workshop has already taken place. See the Workshop Program for links to presentations, discussions, and other material from the workshop.

The application deadline for this workshop is April 1, 2010.

Former workshop participants say:

The course design workshop pushed me into new territory for teaching and learning, and I have reconstructed, for the better, my teaching for all my classes.

Before I attended the workshop, I considered myself an effective teacher. But I had the focus all wrong. Now I see how effectively my students can learn.

Workshop Dates

This online workshop will meet in two sessions. The first session will take place May 26-27, 2010, with the second session from June 3-4, 2010. Participants must take part in both sessions.

Workshop Conveners

  • Barbara Tewksbury (Hamilton College)
  • Charlotte Mehrtens (University of Vermont)

This workshop and on-line course is part of the On the Cutting Edge professional development program for current and future geoscience faculty, sponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers with funding provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation-Division of Undergraduate Education . We are part of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE).

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