On the Cutting Edge Program Leadership

Cutting Edge Management ▼ NAGT Professional Development ▼ Teach the Earth Website▼

Cutting Edge Management Committee

Appointed by the NAGT Executive Committee, this committee is responsible for the overall management of the program and its financial health.

  • Pranoti Asher, American Geophysical Union
  • Geoff Feiss, GSA Foundation President
  • Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
  • Jack Hess, Geological Society of America
  • Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
  • Cathy Manduca, SERC, Carleton College
  • Randall Richardson, University of Arizona
  • Susan Buhr Sullivan, CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Aida Awad, Maine East High School
  • Karl Wirth, Macalester College

NAGT Professional Development Planning Committee

Responsible for the management of the professional development activities and the website content, including peer review of teaching activities.

  • Rachel Beane, Bowdoin College, CHAIR
  • Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
  • Cathy Manduca, SERC, Carleton College, ex officio
  • Dallas Rhodes, Humboldt State University
  • Randall Richardson, University of Arizona
  • Barbara Tewksbury, Hamilton College
  • Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
  • Katryn Wiese, City College of San Francisco

Teach the Earth Website Committee

Tasks: Provide stewardship for the Teach the Earth Website, including setting editorial policies and providing expertise on development and use of the site. Reports to the Professional Development Planning committee.

  • Michele Cooke, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Undergraduate/Faculty representative
  • Anne Egger, Central Washington University, Editor of site review, CO-CHAIR
  • Sean Fox, SERC technical director, CO-CHAIR
  • Kyle Fredrick, California University of Pennsylvania, Editor of activity review
  • Missy Holzer, Chatham High School, K-12 (especially 9-12) representative
  • Bruce Mason, University of Oklahoma, Educational website expert
  • John McDaris, SERC web team member
  • Jen Wenner, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Councilor-at-large from ExCom
  • Lisa White, U.C. Berkeley Museum of Paleontology, Informal education representative
  • Katryn Wiese, City College of San Francisco, Professional Development committee member