Advisory Board, 2015-2019
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Guidance from a diverse and experienced Advisory Board is critical to the success of this program. The Advisory Board will provide a wide range of expertise to the project via annual meetings with the project leaders. The following people have agreed to serve on the Advisory Board. In addition, Cathryn Manduca, Director of SERC, will serve as a project consultant.
Linda Hagedorn, Associate Dean, College of Human Sciences & Professor in School of Education, Iowa State University, focus on community college student success, engineering transfer students
Jenny McFarland, PULSE (
Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education) Fellow and Biology Instructor, Edmonds Community College, WA
Saundra McGuire, emeritus Director of Center for Academic Success, Louisiana State University
Christopher Mullin, Director, Strong Start to Finish, Education Commission of the States
Mike Muñoz, Dean of Counseling & Student Success, Rio Hondo College, CA, and member of the Board of Directors for the National Community College Hispanic Council
Lance Perez, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Associate Vice Chancellor, Dean of Graduate Studies
Kent Phillippe, Associate Vice President, Research & Student Success, American Association of Community Colleges
Eric Riggs, Associate Dean, Graduate Affairs and Diversity, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M
Katherine Rowell, Center for Teaching and Learning Director, Sinclair Community College, OH
Jeff Ryan, Professor, School of Geosciences, University of South Florida
James Sawyer, President of Macomb Community College, MI
Deidre Sullivan, Director of the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, CA
Xueli Wang, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, focus on transfer from two-year to four-year institutions in STEM fields