Analytical Instrument Database
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Results 1 - 19 of 19 matches
NanoEarth LEO (Zeiss) 1550 SEM at Virginia Tech part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > NanoEarth LEO (Zeiss) 1550 SEM ...
An Integrated Auger Electron Spectroscopy, EDS and EBSD System at the Imaging and Chemical Analysis Laboratory (ICAL), MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
This Phi 710 NanoAuger Probe is a unique analytical system that includes: 1) Field Emission SEM imaging for spatial resolution down to 5 nanometeers; 2) AES detector for surficial compositional analysis for atomic monolayers on surfaces, with detection of light elements down to Li; 3) Ar-beam ion gun for "dusting off" surfaces of environmental contaminants and depth profiling capabilities; 4) EDS detector for "bulk" compositional analysis and X-ray elemental mapping of materials, and 5) EBSD detector for phase identification using electron diffraction and determination of crystallographic orientation. These numerous analytical methods can be used in near-real-time to fully characterize in situ the identity, crystal structure and orientation, bulk composition, and surface composition of sub-micron to micron particles. Charge compensation methods are used to analyze insulating materials because conducting coats cannot be applied to AES samples.
Powder X-ray Diffractometer at the Imaging and Chemical Analysis Laboratory (ICAL), MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
X-ray powder diffraction is typically used for a) phase identification based on crystal strucure, b) Rietveld analysis is used for crystal unit cell refinements and for quantitative analysis, c) grazing incident diffraction (parallel beam) is used for thin film analysis and reflectometry is used to determine surface roughness, density and thickness. This instrument is equipped with an environmental chamber to do dynamic experiments under a range of temperatures and ambient atmospheric conditions.
JEOL-6100 Conventional SEM with NORAN EDS detector at ICAL, MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
The JEOL-6100 Conventional SEM with NORAN EDS detector can be used to determine mineral composition. Our JEOL has a large sample chamber to accommodate large samples like dinosaur bones and archeological artifacts.
Customized Confocal Raman Microscope at the Center for Biofilm Engineering part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > Customized Confocal Raman ...
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope at ICAL, MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
This FESEM has optimal spatial resolution down to ~5 nanometers. It has recently been updated with an Oxford Aztec EDS system that provides exceptional peak resolution, sub-micron scale elemental X-ray mapping, and quantitative analysis software routines. This FESEM also has a cryogenic stage which is commonly used to image "soft sample" biological samples (tissues, microbes, biofilms) without introducing sample preparation artifacts (e.g., from critical point drying), and we also image the texture and morphology of ice samples. The EBSD detector will be updated in the near future. Variable pressure allows us to image many samples without applying a conducting coat.
Inverted and Upright Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopes at the Center for Biofilm Engineering part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > Inverted and Upright Confocal ...
Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) at SIGMA Lab part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ...
NanoEarth FEI Quanta 600 FEG SEM at Virginia Tech part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > NanoEarth FEI Quanta 600 FEG ...
NanoEarth JEOL IT-500HR at Virginia Tech part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > NanoEarth JEOL IT-500HR at ...
FEI Helios 600 NanoLab at the Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory (NCFL) part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > FEI Helios 600 NanoLab at the ...
Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (ToF-SIMS) at the Imaging and Chemical Analysis Laboratory (ICAL), MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
ToF-SIMS is widely used in nano-engineering research on semi-conductors and related microelectronics, polymer, thin film, metallurgy, ceramics, energy, and medical devices. ToF-SIMS has not been widely used in Earth and Environmental Sciences, but applications include documenting thin carbon films on mineral grain boundaries, search for biomarkers in the geologic record, interplanetary dust, evidence of magmatic fluids, and studies of coal macerals.
NanoEarth JEOL JEM 2100 at Virginia Tech part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > NanoEarth JEOL JEM 2100 at ...
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy at Imaging and Chemical Analysis Laboratory (ICAL), MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
XPS is a surface sensitive method that determines the composition of one or a few atomic monolayers on mineral surfaces. This instrument has "small spot" capabilities down to 30 micron resolution. Applications include: a) Elemental identification and quantification, b) Chemical functional group identification and quantification; c) Chemical state imaging; d) Surface sensitivity; e) Layer-by-layer depth profiling; f) Analysis of insulating and conducting samples.
Atomic Force Microscopes at Imaging and Chemical Analysis Laboratory (ICAL), MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
AFMs are used to measure the physical dimensions of engineered and natural particles on the nano-scale. Numerous forces related to a substrate can be measured such as adhesion strength, magnetic forces, mechanical properties, micro-viscosity and elasticity. AFM can also be applied to imaging of attachment of microbes to substrates under varied environmental conditions.
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer at Arizona State University part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer ...
Raman Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory (NCFL) part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > Raman Spectroscopy at the ...
Geosciences Atom Probe Tomography at the University of Alabama part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > Geosciences Atom Probe ...
An Integrated FFF-spICP-QMS System at the Colorado School of Mines Aquatic Nanoparticle/Colloid Analysis Lab part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > An Integrated FFF-spICP-QMS ...