Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) at SIGMA Lab, Stanford University

Initial Publication Date: April 30, 2021
Stanford University

Contact Information

Karrie Weaver




Instrument Type

Agilent 8900

ICP Inductively-coupled plasma spectrometer +/- mass spectrometer


The Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) is capable of elemental concentration determinations in the sub-ppt range for elements in solution. A reactive gas cell reduces isobaric interferences and increases analytical accuracy for elements in the transition metal mass range. It also provides excellent capabilities for low-level concentration determinations of silicon, titanium and iron that exceed the performance of single quad instruments. Utilizing the instrument's nanoparticle characterization capabilities can provide determinations of the concentration and size distribution of inorganic nanoparticles in solution of single and mixed element compositions. Liquid sample introduction only; a class 1000 metal-free clean lab is available for sample preparation and dissolution.

Typical Use:

  • Concentration determination for elements in solution
  • Particle size characterization (inorganic particles)
  • Trace element analysis
  • Imaging (size, shape, morphology)

Conditions for Use:

  • Submitted samples will be analyzed on a contract basis (i.e. lab personnel will do the work)
  • Visitors are invited to work in the lab to work with lab personnel

User Fees:

Contact Lab Manager for current rates. In general instruments are billed by the hour with additional fees for sample preparation, standards, specialized consumables and staff time.

Instrument Priorities:

Scheduling is supervised by the lab manager. Users with long-term projects or very large numbers of samples are encouraged to receive training to become semi-independent instrument operators to facilitate more rapid sample turn over.

Remote Use:

Remote operation is not possible.

Sample Preparation:

The instrument takes in samples in solution - primarily 2% nitric acid. Solid samples must be digested prior to analysis. Contact the lab manager for details on available sample preparation methods such as: crushing, pulverization (ball mill and shatterbox), microwave digestion and bench top bomb digestions. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) digestion and leaching procedures are available.

Standard Collections/Lab Blanks:

Elemental standard solutions are required for quantitative analysis. The lab can provide access to solutions for almost every element and can assist with making appropriate standard solutions.

Ultra-pure laboratory reagents may be necessary to keep backgrounds low for very low concentration determinations. The lab can provide access to ultra-pure reagents and assist with the measurement of laboratory blanks.


Agilent's Mass Hunter software produces calibration curves for concentration determinations. Lab staff are available to assist with more advanced techniques and calculations such as isotope dilution and standard addition.

Educational Use:

Graduate student research projects are invited