Get Involved

Initial Publication Date: October 23, 2020

There are several ways to get involved with the project:

Contribute Resources

Construction and development of these web-based resources is being done for and by the nanoscience community. We rely on your suggestions and contributions of resources that you have developed, or that you routinely use in your research and teaching about nanoscience. We encourage faculty to contribute materials, including course descriptions, teaching activities, and references to continue to build our collections.The ethic is everyone has something to offer; and together, we all have a lot to gain. So, please access the following link to help keep these collections current, coherent, and comprehensive. Thank you.Contribute Materials »

Get Connected

Join the TeachNano email list to take part in discussions with colleagues who teach about nanoscience. If you subscribe to the lists, you can also access past emails using the list archives. The email list supports colleagues interested in research and teaching applications of nanoscience and is a great forum to pose questions, ask advice, find references and resources.  The listserv was originally created for alumni of the workshops we convened, but it is open to all colleagues interested in pursuing interests in nanoscience. Join the email list »

Provide Feedback

Got a minute or two to provide feedback on the site? We invite you to complete this user survey. Let us know what you've found that is interesting or important. What's missing?  What can we provide to help you do your work in nanoscience?  The survey only takes a minute or two to complete.Complete the user survey »

Join a Workshop or Event

Several workshops, webinars, and other events have been convened that introduce nanoscience to new audiences, aggregate and disseminate information about new advances in nanoscience, and work toward building robust, interdisciplinary communities to engage more researchers, instructors and students in nanoscience. Learn more about past events or join us for an upcoming one.Read more about Events »