Teaching Resources for K-12 Nanoscience Education
Numerous groups have compiled extensive collections of nanoscience/technology teaching
Nano.gov K-12 Teaching Resources
"The vision of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a future in which the ability to understand and control matter at the nanoscale leads to ongoing revolutions in technology and industry that benefit society." The NNI agencies work together toward the shared vision ofa future in which the ability to understand and control matter at the nanoscale leads to ongoing revolutions in technology and industry that benefit society. The NNI expedites the discovery, development, and deployment of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology to serve the public good through a program of coordinated research and development aligned with the missions of the participating agencies. NNI operates through the White House National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and coordinates the work of over 30 federal agencies such as the Dept of Energy, National Institute of Health, National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology. In order to realize the NNI vision, the NNI agencies work collectively toward five strategic goals:
- Goal 1. Ensure that the United States remains a world leader in nanotechnology research and development.
- Goal 2. Promote commercialization of nanotechnology R&D.
- Goal 3. Provide the infrastructure to sustainably support nanotechnology research, development, and deployment.
- Goal 4. Engage the public and expand the nanotechnology workforce.
- Goal 5. Ensure the responsible development of nanotechnology.
Educational Resources:
- For K-12 Teachers from Nano.gov
- For K12 Students
- For K12 Teachers
- U.S. Nano and Emerging Technologies Network
- Teaching Nano and Emerging Technologies Network
- College, Grad School and Post Doc Opportunities
- Associate Degrees, Certificates and Job Information
- Resources for Nanotechnology Laboratory Safety
- Multimedia Resources and Contests
National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) K-12 Teaching Resources
- Southeastern Nanotechnology Infrastructure Corridor (SENIC) Education Resources--includes outreach demonstration guides, instruction sheets, and other resources.
Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Network
- Nano4me.org--"The Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Network is the NSF National ATE Center for Nanotechnology Workforce Development. Through resource sharing, providing course materials, and stressing broad student preparation, we will help create and sustain economically viable nanotechnology education across the U.S." These resources are predominantly for two-year and technical colleges, developed through the NSF Advanced Technology Education program.
- Free Education Resources--Professional Development (workshops, webinars), K-12 Resources (Introductory Modules, High School Level activities and experiments, multimedia), Undergraduate Resources (Introductory Modules, Course Lectures, Videos, Labs), Remote Access to Instruments, Resources in Spanish
- Handbook for Processes and Best Practices for Nanotechnology Workforce Development (2015)
- A large number of archived webinars are available free to use dating back to 2009! Download either the PDF of the presentation file or the videorecording.
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN)
- NNIN was the precursor program to the NNCI. However there are a number of great legacy resources still available for use:
- Resources for K-12 Teachers
- For K-12 Students
- Videos of Equipment Training
- Educational Articles on Nanotechnology--What is Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology Careers, Nanotechnology Products, Seeing Nanostructures, How Big? and Nanostructures in Nature
CK-12 Nanoscience Teaching Resources
- Student-centered teaching activities that permit students to learn at their own pace. Includes resources for teachers as well as activities ready for student use. "CK-12 Foundation – Flexbooks: With a guiding philosophy that learning is a personal journey, CK-12 Foundation was founded with the mission to let everyone learn in his or her own way, by pairing high-quality content with the latest technologies and providing these tools to teachers for free. These activities are primarily for grades 8-12. Access Resources Related to Nanoscience.
High School Nanoscience Program
- The HIgh School Nanoscience Program is a collaborative program between the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) ad a NSF-funded IGERT Materials Creation Training Program (MCTP). This site includes a wide variety of easily accessible experiments for middle school to high school classes, and workshop opportunities for teachers
McREL NanoTeach
- NanoSense "Draws on concepts from physics, chemistry, and biology, NanoSense units reflect the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscience, emphasize fundamental nanoscience concepts such as size and scale and surface dominance of reactions, and explore applications of nanoscience and how they could affect society and policy. Each unit includes background materials and directions for the teacher, activities and instructional materials for students, and embedded assessments. Available units include:
- Size Matters: Introduction to Nanoscience
- Clear Sunscreen: How Light Interacts with Matter
- Clean Energy: Converting Light into Electricity
- Fine Filters: Filtering Solutions for Clean Water
- Nanooze: Exploring the world of science and nanotechology. Produced at Cornell University, Nanooze is a magazine that has been created to get kids excited about science and especially nanotechnology–the science of really small things. Every week we will have new stuff and report on the latest developments in science. And we will have stories about real scientists and what they do. There is a place to ask questions and get some answers.
- NanoZone provides numerous videos on Discoveries, Nano-scale, Scientists, and the Future--why is Nano Important?
National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
- The Big Ideas of Nanoscale Science and Engineering: A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers by: Shawn Y. Stevens, LeeAnn M. Sutherland, and Joseph S. Krajcik, includes units on:
- Size and Scale
- Structure of Matter
- Forces and Interactions
- Quantum Effects
- Size-Dependent Properties
- Self-Assembly
- Tools and Instrumentation
- Models and Simulations Science,
- Technology, and Society
- NSTA's Resources in Nanotechnology Collection
Related Resources
- International Benchmark Workshop on K-12 Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education--NSF sponsored workshop held in 2010; download the report from this event.
REU Opprtunities in Nanoscience
4-H Participation in Nanoscience
- 4-H Career Explorations in STEM--developed by Cornell Nanotechnology Faciliity
Undergraduate Courses
Careers in Nanosience
- Careers in Nanotechnology--advice compiled by NNCI
- NNCI YouTube Videos
- Careers in Nanotechnology Opportunities for STEM Students--Jm Marti, Minnesota Nano Center, University of Minnesota
- X/Nano:The Enabling Potential of a Career in Nanoscience--Matt Hull, NanoEarth, Virginia Tech
Nano.hub--Educational Resources
This is a database of nanoeducation resources that can be searched, filtered, and sorted. Resources are listed by topic area, grade level, core discipline, STEM content area, and resource type created by Quinn Spadola (NNCI) and Lisa Friedersdorf (NNCO). Over 400 searchable teaching modules, videos, labs and other teaching aids are in this collection. Importantly, this database is indexed to the 9 "Big Ideas of Nanoscale Science and Engineering" and Learning Goals developed in collaboration with NSTA (Tanya Faltens (2016). Database of The Big Ideas in Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSTA). A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers. nanoHUB. doi:10.4231/D3HH6C69T). Access these teaching resources at: Nano Education ResourcesNanoHub.Org
- NanoHub-U from Purdue University provides online courses on Nanotechnology "Transcending disciplines with short courses accessible to students in any branch of science or engineering.Cutting-edge topics distilled into short lectures with quizzes, homework, and practice exams. Includes self-paced courses, instructor-led courses, and full semester courses. Certificates of completion are offered for instructor-led courses.
- Quick Introduction to Nanotechnology--Numerous videos for the general public that describes diverse facets and applications of Nanotechnology
- Nano For K-8--activities, simulatkons, seminars and Big Ideas
- Nano For High School--Includes the Nano Education Resources Portal
- Nanotechnology Workforce Development
- Nano Research Opportunities and Internships. (may need to be updated)
- A compilation of Graduate Courses in Nanotechnology. including course outlines and course notes.
- A compilation of Undergraduate Courses in Nanotechnology, including course outlines, notes and some podcasts.
- Resources on Characterization and Metrology--spectroscopic and imaging methods.
- Resources on Nano and the Environment, Health and Safety
- NNCI Teaching Activities listed in Nano.hub. 128 teaching activities (January 2022) with teacher guides, student guides and worked problem set solutions.
- Access a wide selection of Undergraduate Course/Classroom Presentations
- Find a 2-Year Nanotech Degree Program at a community college near you!
- Remotely Accessible Instrumentation for Nanotechnology (RAIN): "Remotely Accessible Instruments for Nanotechnology (RAIN) allows students to access and control microscopes, like FESEM-field emission scanning electron microscopes, and analytical tools, like EDS-energy (X-ray) dispersive spectroscopy, to look at nano-sized materials from the ease of classrooms, or even home computers, all across the country. Students control the tools over the Internet in real-time and with the assistance of an experienced engineer at the microscope advising over video conferencing software."
- Check out NanoWire the Rain Newsletter and Subscribe.
- Check out these Laboratory Guides on numerous topics related to NanoScience/Technology.
- Prepare for the NanoTechnology workforce. Resources from Alumni with advice about how to network, prepare for the workforce, and with examples of different work titles and descriptions.
- See the complete list of NACK Network Partners.
Online Nanotechnology Courses for Undergraduates
- Nano@Stanford offers an online EDX Course that contains materials to prepare researchers to become effective users of the nano@stanford nanofabrication and nanocharacterization tools and facilities, as well as to be useful to anyone wanting to learn about nanofabrication. It is an estimated 10 week self-paced course, that is freely available. This course started January 25, 2022.
- Nanotechnology: a Maker's Course--offered by Coursera. "This course has been developed by faculty and staff experts in nano-fabrication, electron beam microscopy, and nano-characterization through the Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN). The RTNN offers training and use of the tools demonstrated in this course to schools and industry through the United States National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure program. The tools demonstrated in this course are available to the public through the RTNN."
- Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility NanoCourses--The CNF NanoCourses were a non-credit series of lectures in four sections, covering the basic areas required to successfully use microfabrication technology. Emphasis was on the practical limitations and characteristics of basic fabrication processes. This course was not intended to be redundant with regular course work in Applied Physics and Material Science. The goal was to relate, for the benefit of new users, the working knowledge required for efficient laboratory and equipment use, as distilled from the over 100 years experience of the CNF staff. Includes Photolithography, Vacuum Science, Thin Film and Characterization
- Omni Nano is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching students about nanotechnology. Includes modules on career development, curricula, interactive workshops, and accredited courses.
- Developed by IEEE, includes a wealth of information on Nanotechnology (what is Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Nanoscale Properties), Applications and Industry, and Education Resources (Lesson Plans, Degree Programs, STandards and Guidelines and Nanotechnology Games).
Nanotechnology: Super Small Science
- Nanotechnology: Super Small Science is a series of 6 short (~5 minute) videos that illustrate principles and applications of Nanotechnology. Produced by NBC Learn and supported by NSF.
NSF Multimedia Gallery
- NSF Multimedia Gallery has a collection of 14 videos showcasing different exciting aspects of Nanotechnology/Science.
Next Tech Student Network
- NextTech is a network of student-run clubs at universities and colleges across the country. They have compiled some really useful webinars and videos that help students in their professional career development, and they have created the NextTech Handbook to help new student clubs get organized.This network helps to:
- raise awareness of current research and potential applications of nano and other emerging technologies;
- build an interdisciplinary community of students with a focus on future technologies;
- facilitate interactions and connections between faculty, industry and government professionals, and students; and
- promote opportunities for students interested in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Informal STEM Education
- National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE) has many resources available for the general public on Nanoscience.
- Pulse of the Planet--Podcasts produced at NanoEarth, Virginia Tech, showcasing many interesting and topical issues addressed by international experts related to Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences.
- NNI Podcasts includes contributions from the country's leading experts in Nanotechnology, includes these videos via YouTube:
- Stories from the NNI, This podcast series features voices from the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). Researchers and innovators discuss their work at the nanoscale, the challenges they've faced, and how they've connected with the NNI.
- Nano Matters, Find out why nano matters! The Nano Matters podcast explores specific examples of nanotechnology and how it impacts everyday life.
- The Nano Entrepreneurship Network, The Nanotechnology Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) brings new and seasoned entrepreneurs together with the people and resources available to support them. The NEN podcast highlights best practices, resources, and advice from entrepreneurs.
- Nano@Stanford YouTube Channel-- a very rich collection of YouTube videos created by Nanotechnology experts. Includes Introductory Tutorials in the use of many Nanotechnology instruments. A number of playlists have been created to focus on specific topics.
- Nano@Tech YouTube Channel--produced by the SENIC NNCI project, numerous videorecording of international Nanotechnology experts. These are mostly one hour webinars on Nanotechnology topics of interest.
- NNCI YouTube Channel