Workshop Program

February 20th, 2016

Location: Wittenberg University's Barbara Deer Kuss Science Hall, Room 212

*Workshop schedule was revised slightly while in process to allow more time for faculty to explore the topics/projects stakeholders had interest in. The posted schedule reflects those revisions.

Workshop Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4.6MB Feb22 16)

Project Development Questions (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 18kB Feb20 16)

9:00 AM-9:10 AM Welcome & Introduction to InTeGrate Project & Our Workshop Goals

9:10 AM-9:25 AM Introductions

9:25 AM-9:55 AM Local Experts & Faculty Identify Skills Habits Central to Addressing Local Challenges

9:55 AM-10:20 AM Local Experts Share Project Topics

10:20 AM-10:55 AM Faculty talk with Local Experts & Identify Project Ideas

Most Local Experts Depart

11:00 AM-11:20 AM Curricular Design: InTeGrate & Inquiry & Analysis VALUE Rubric Introduction & Example Student Products

Our approach combines the below:

11:20 AM-12:20 AM Project Development Time & Discussion of Concerns

Common concerns included timing, so several examples of short projects were described (e.g. 6 hour implementation model- Hour 1: Introduce project topic: the problem & stakeholder perspective (1 hour); Hour 2: Students explore relevant systems (e.g. explore components of a systems diagram); Hour(s) 3-4: Analyze or Collect & Analyze Local Data; Hours 5-6: Compile & present results. Stronger projects will include discussion of results with other students & experts. When inviting the expert is not possible, students might value that strong examples of their work will be shared publicly online.

12:20-12:40 PM Reporting Instruments:

Reporting instrument choices were informed by our efforts to date through the InTeGrate Project & through discussions with the Hagen Center for Civic & Urban Engagement. Some of the attitudinal questions asked will align with those measured for Hagen Center internships.

  • Research on the Integrated Science Survey (RISC) This survey will be administered pre & post course to determine demographic information of participants & their learning gains associated with interdisciplinary research.
  • Community Service Attitudes Scale This survey will be administered pre & post course to measure shifts in attitudes about societal relevance, care about the community, & career interests.
  • This project was approved by the Wittenberg IRB office on 8/9/14. Please have students sign the Student Consent Data Release Letter (Microsoft Word 32kB May26 15) at the beginning of your course & upload this to your course reporting page.
  • The InTeGrate Project is released through Carleton College Release Letter . This may be sufficient for your institution, but you should check.

12:40- 1:00 PM Follow-up Survey (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 73kB Feb21 16) Establish Timeline for Implementation, Encourage Pairing of Faculty to Discuss Curriculum Development (modest stipends), Follow-up Concerns


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