To increase access to STEM for underrepresented minorities the Stanford University School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences partnered with faculty mentors at MSI regional institutions to bring InTeGrate developed course materials into classrooms and also provide professional preparation for Stanford graduate students and postdocs. This was done by developing an annual workshop for Stanford graduate students and postdocs to practice teaching with InTeGrate developed materials and approaches. These students were then matched with faculty mentors at local, minority serving, two year colleges. Program students guest taught in their mentors' classroom using the InTeGrate materials, bringing these materials into a new setting and giving the students real world teaching experience.Learn more about Stanford's School of
Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences »
About the Program
The InTeGrate program at Stanford is a partnership between the Stanford School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences and STEM faculty at local two-year colleges (2YCs) and minority serving institutions (MSIs). The primary objective of the program is to recruit and increase the retention of underrepresented minorities within the STEM disciplines at all levels of academia. In doing this, we also hoped to add to the retention and satisfaction in particular of URM graduate students and postdocs to our School and the professoriate. We worked towards these objectives in two ways:
- Exposing undergraduate students in general science or early geosicence courses to geoscience modules that address global sustainability issues, thus making the topic more accessible and relevant for URM students.
- Creating the opportunity for URM postdoctoral and advanced graduate students to teach these modules in classrooms at our partner institutions.
Program Goals
- Improve our recruitment efforts of underrepresented minorities and other groups to geoscience graduate programs.
- Strengthen collaborative associations with local MSI and 2YCs.
- Provide professional development, training in teaching and pedagogy, and mentoring support to postdocs and graduate students who may not otherwise have the opportunity to teach, or teach at MSI/2YC institutions while enrolled or working at Stanford.
- Continue to give MSIs/2YCs the ability to build their capacity to integrate geoscience teaching through our modules into their courses.